Chapter 21: Complicated Feelings

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3rd perspective

Chishiya decided to stay on the roof a little longer, he had a creeping suspicion that someone was watching his whole interaction with Y/N. Y/N kissed Chishiya on his cheek making him freeze a little, they chuckled at his reaction and bid him goodbye as they linked arms with Kuina and went somewhere in the Hotel. Chishiya sighed, not liking how Y/N has that much of an effect on him but he had more important things to worry about like the gunpoint he felt pressed against his back. He smirked, knowing who the supposed stalker was, he turned around and was greeted with a sight of a scowling Niragi. Chishiya felt amused by his reaction, he might as well get a kick out of this.

"Well, if it isn't the stalker hm?" Chishiya wore his Cheshire cat smirked causing Niragi's frown to deepen further.

"Shut up you snake! Are you and Chef dating?" Niragi scowled, his gun pointing threateningly towards Chishiya's head but as usual, Chishiya was unfazed by his antics.

"So what if I am? Jealous?" Chishiya grinned slyly, entertained by how Niragi was acting like a jealous ex.

"You-" Niragi gritted

"Oh? So you're not denying, hm?" Chishiya was truly amused by the situation before him.

"I never thought someone like you would be in a relationship, are you going to use them as you do with everyone else?" Niragi laughed dryly

"Well, let's say, I wanted to try something new" Chishiya mused.

"Don't tell me that you actually like them? Pathetic" Niragi provoked.

"Now now, aren't you just being a hypocrite, hm?" Chishiya sneered, poking fun at Niragi. He wasn't dumb, he saw the way that Niragi looked at Y/N, it gave him a nagging feeling that kept bothering him for a while now.


Niragi would usually never stick around for meaningless gossip from his allies, he would usually send them back to work if he saw them idling around. One day, as he was going around for patrol, he couldn't but overhear his allies gossiping like a bunch of high schoolers. Honestly, what were they? Children?

"Another person killed... what did they do this time?" One militant started

"Tried to escape, just the usual." another replied

"Ah... How boring, does anyone have anything interesting" The first militant whined making Niragi roll his eyes.

"Eh, I heard from some of the other guys that one of the executives was dating someone." The third militant chimed in.

"Really? Which one?"

"Ehh... I think it's the dude with the crusty bleached hair?"

"I mean his does look crusty, does he even take shower? I know it's the last thing on someone's mind if they lived here but there are showers here." the two militants mutually agreed that Chishiya's hair was crusty making Niragi snicker internally but was intrigued that Chishiya was dating someone, seriously, that guy? Niragi almost felt sorry for the poor sod.

"Anyways, uh apparently that guy is currently dating... Y/N? I think that's what their name was." Niragi froze as the militant mentioned Y/N, what the fuck? Maybe they got their facts wrong.

"Yeah! They had (hair length) (hair colour) hair and (eye colour) eyes!" Okay, that sounded more like Y/N. Niragi felt something burn within him, no he hasn't been set on fire... yet. Anyways, never in Niragi's life had he had that same burning feeling when he was bullied but towards something else (does that make sense, I should get an editor). His face moulded into a nasty scowl and stormed towards the poor group of militants who were unaware that they were about to die.

"Hey," Niragi called out to the group, the militants visibly stiffen and turned towards Niragi as they tensed up at his presence.

"Oh, hey boss-" the militant was cut off by a gunshot to his arm, the blood from his wound gushed out, seeping into his clothes and staining them. The militant screamed in agony as his screams went silent with the pull of a trigger, his arms fell limply beside his body with a thud. The other two soon followed the suit, the three militants that were once alive were no more and are now dead in the puddle of blood beneath them.

"Well, this is annoying, I better clean this up before someone sees it." He managed to drag the bodies to where they all would dump the dead bodies of traitors. He soon changed into cleaner clothes and decided to pay a visit to a certain snake that stole chef from him.

Flashback end

"Well, if you came all this way to threaten me, I should probably go" Chishiya began to walk back to the exit, not before shooting a snarky remark at Niragi.

'Talk about anger issues' Chishiya thought before going to where Kuina and Y/N were. They were sitting down and eating some kind of dessert he couldn't make out, he decided to ask them.

"Well, what do have here?" Chishiya said leaning onto Y/N's head.

"Oh! Chishiya, just in time! Would you like to have some fried ice cream?" Y/N offered.

"Fried ice cream? That's interesting." He looked at the confectionery with great interest.

"Here have a bite!" Y/N got a piece of the fried ice cream and offered it to Chishiya, he took a bite out of the confectionery. He nodded in approval. Y/N smiled, full of pride.

"Come sit with us then" Y/N pointed at the chair next to them, Chishiya obliged and sat on the chair and began digging into the ice cream.

"This is a little trippy for me, should I call Chishiya my... boyfriend-in-law?" Kuina questioned, Y/N laughed at her comment while Chishiya said there is no such as that.

"No no, just boyfriend" Y/N smiled Kuina stared at Chishiya, he rosed an eyebrow giving her a 'What?' look.

"Hi boyfriend" Kuina waved, Chishiya just gave her a blank look before resuming eating his fried ice cream.

"Rude ass bitch" Kuina smacked the back of his head as he almost choked on the fried ice cream, he glared at Kuina. Y/N watched as chaos ensued before their eyes, they should probably break up the fight but they were too lazy so they just watch as Kuina attempted to strangle Chishiya as he try and defend himself from her attacks. Just a regular Tuesday.

"Well~ if it isn't my favourite chef hm?" Y/N felt an arm wrapped around their shoulder, they sigh, already knowing who it is.

"Niragi, aren't you suppose to be on duty or something?" Y/N inquired

"Nah, we're having a break right now" Niragi lied

"Uh-huh..." Y/N did not believe him.

"Oh great, it's the stalker" Chishiya commented.

"Oh shut up, you bitch" Niragi snapped

"Is that all you can say? I must say, you're not very creative with your insults." Chishiya remarked.

"That's it, I'm gonna kill him" Y/N and Kuina immediately held the two back knowing that the two men are very chaotic and a menace to society. Niragi was struggling against Kuina as he tried to shoot Chishiye, while Chishiya, wasn't trying to get out of Y/N's arms, he was just provoking Niragi with his snarky comments making Niragi to struggle harder against Kuina's arms as she took the gun from him so he won't harm anyone.

"Chishiya, stop provoking him" Y/N sighed tiredly

"How about no" Chishiya smirked

"Then I'm not making you any cookies," Y/N said sternly, Chishiya immediately stopped what he was doing.

"Thank you, Kuina you can let go of Niragi now." Kuina let go of Niragi, letting him stumble a bit before gaining composure. Y/N asked what he was doing here and he replied that he just wanted to see what they were doing.

"Well guys since all of you guys are here, would you like to go swimming with me?" Y/N grinned.

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