Chapter 20: Made This Chapter Because Simping Is My Hobby

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[06 days before Arisu arrives at the Borderlands]


I woke up being greeted by the sight of Chi- Shuntarou by my side, his face was already turned towards me so I could see his face. Usually, his face would show a blank look, a smirk or a sneer. He looks oddly peaceful in his sleep, I traced my finger against his jaw gently as I admired his facial features. I pulled him closer and kissed him on the forehead, Chishiya stirred slightly in his sleep, his mouth forming into a small smile. I felt my heart race as he unconsciously snuggled into my embrace, debating in my head whether or not I should take a picture but I decided not to. I sighed softly, savouring the moment while it lasted, I was about to snuggle him more until a loud knock on the door interrupted the quiet atmosphere.

I looked back to see Chishiya stirred in his sleep more until he finally settled, I smiled at his sleeping form and carefully got out of bed to answer the door. I opened it revealing Kuina, who seem to be quite nervous yet eager to tell me something. She looked

"Oh! Hey Kuina? What's up?" I smiled

"I want to tell you something" Kuina asserted

"Oh, sure do you want to tell me inside or go somewhere else?"

"I'll just tell you inside" Kuina answered

"Alright just be quiet, since Chi- Shuntarou is asleep" I said in a hushed tone

"Oh ok- wait Shuntarou? You mean Chishiya?" Kuina questioned

"He said he is alright with me calling him that" I gave her a small smile

"Wait a minute" A look of realization went across Kuina's face as she barged into the room seeing that Shuntarou was already awake, probably a light sleeper. Kuina stared at Chishiya and stared back in silence, I sweatdropped at the tension before. I spoke to cut off the uncomfortable silence, explaining the situation.

"Huh, so Chishiya agreed to be in a relationship. I was beginning to think he had commitment issues or was aroace" Kuina snorted jokingly as Chishiya rolled his eyes.

"Why are you here in the first place?" He inquired

"I just came here to talk to Y/N" Kuina answered

"Alright" he just lazily laid back down

"In private" Kuina glared

"Fine fine" Chishiya got up and got out the door to who knows where, probably going to the rooftop and watching the view before him like a wannabe protagonist. Kuina sighed at Chishiya's bratty attitude, she turned to smile at me as she finally revealed what she was hiding. She handed me a flower and my favourite food.

"It's not much but... I wanted to give you something you really like" Kuina's cheeks were dusted in a soft blush as she stared right into my eyes. I closely observed the container she handed me, it was a favourite dish that I really liked and a flower, the dish looked like it was reattempted in order to make it how it is now. My heart warmed at the sight of it, no one ever tried to make something for me.

"I'm not exactly a good cook but I wanted to thank you for all you have done for me" She smiled at me warmly

"Thank you isn't enough to tell you how much it means to me" I confessed, taking her hand in mine. I tucked the flower that was given to me behind her ear.

"It suits you" I smiled, her cheeks reddening at my words as she turned away muttering something that I couldn't hear. She clears her throat and turned back towards me.

"Well, that was part of the reason why I'm here, I just need to get something off my chest" She stared nervously at me, is she thinking what I was thinking?

"Go on" I gave her an encouraging look, she took a deep breath.

"I adore you... so much Y/N that it hurts" Kuina started, letting out a shaky breath. I listened intently.

"Every time I'm near you I feel this overwhelming feeling of warmth for you. I thought if maybe, just maybe you would feel the same back" I saw drops of tears threatening to fall, and she wiped them off as she continued.

"When I heard from you that you and Chishiya just started to date, I felt like my world was about collapse" Her began to crack, I offered to if she wanted to stop, but she shook her head and continued.

"I didn't want to keep it to myself, so I decided to tell you how I feel about you, you don't have to reciprocate my feelings nor answer my question, I just wanted to tell you." She looked up to see my face to be surprised with a hug. I hugged her tightly in my arms.

"I like you too, I just didn't know which person I would like to date" I blurted, she returned the hug and we stayed there until she broke it off.

"But isn't it going to threaten your relationship with Chishiya? I wouldn't want to be a homewrecker" she looked at me worried. I chuckled at her comment.

"Surprisingly, Chishya and I came to an agreement that we'll make our relationship an open one! But I do understand your worries though!" I smiled, and Kuina looked at me surprised.

"So even Chishiya agrees, that's... something"

"Yep, so are you alright in being in a relationship with Chishiya and I?" I asked

"As long as I'm with you, of course, I would" She threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"I'm glad" I brought her hand to my mouth hand and kissed it softly. Kuina's face turned red at this gesture.

"Jesus how are you able to make me feel this way" Kuina uttered.

"You can say that I have... W rizz" I shot her a goofy . Kuina just snorted at my goofiness and smiled.

"Indeed you do" she chuckled.

"Would you like to accompany me to find Chishiya? I still need to ask if he's alright with this." I offered her my arm. She nodded happily and interlocked her arm with mine as we go about to see Chishiya.

Meanwhile with Chishiya...

Chishiya as usual, was on the rooftop watching the sunrise like a loner maybe because he would be if Kuina or Y/N didn't approach him. Anyways, Chishiya never noticed but his dull world seemed to be a little brighter than usual when Y/N were around although he may seem quite annoyed with them most of the time, he tolerated them (Jk he totally likes being pampered by Y/N). He sighed as he just admired the sunrise which he doesn't do often, it was pretty peaceful until a certain someone decided to interrupt.

"Shuntarou! There you are!" Chishiya turned around to see Y/N and Kuina's arms interlocked. So it's been decided that Kuina will join their relationship. Y/N went up to Chishiya and hugged him affectionately.

"Are you alright with Kuina joining our poly relationship?" Y/N asked

"Well, it's an open relationship for a reason Y/N" Chishiya answered

"I know that but I want to see if you're alright with it either way" Y/N booped his nose as he huffed at them.

"Oi Chishiya, stop hogging Y/N all to yourself!" Kuina wrapped her arms around Y/N, sticking her tongue out. Chishiya rolled his eyes and flicked her forehead earning a 'hey!' from her.

"You guys are so cute~ I love you so much" Y/N hugged them both.

"I love you too!" Kuina returned the affection back as Chishiya whispered 'Love you too' so no one could hear.

The trio was unaware a certain someone was watching them from afar, the figure was quite a jealous being.

A/N: Sorry folks for the short yet sweet chapter, been pretty busy!

I have slight regrets about making this chapter

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