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A long time ago humans and mythical creatures walked the earth in peace. That is until the humans got resentful of the mythical creatures, and a all out war arose. Many men, woman and children from both sides perished. They decided to call a truce, but as time went on the mythical creatures kept randomly going missing and found departed from this life several days later.

They were frightened and alarmed that this wasn't over. They started to lay low, all going into hiding. Putting up their human fronts, so they wouldn't be spotted. Millenniums went on and they lived in peace. The humans thinking the creatures evacuated the real world, when the creatures walk next to a humans everyday and they never know a thing.

Till the higher ups of the creatures received a prophecy. Another all out war would break loose. Eight men, creatures of different kinds would be the ones to save the world from the destruction. A alpha Werewolf named Bang Chan, a powerful Warlock Lee Minho, Seo Changbin , a creature of the night a Vampire, Hwang Hyunjin a magical Elf, Han Jisung a fiery Phonenix, Lee Felix a beautiful Fairy, Kim Seungmin a creature of the water Merman/Siren and the scream of death Yang Jeongin the Banshee.

But they had to prolong their quest to stopping the humans from causing more destruction. A powerful Tribrid would be born and she was the last key to their puzzle they had to search for. Unfortunately she would not receive her abilities til she was of age and actived them. The eight male creatures would not be able to locate her until she is a full blooded Tribrid.

They are racing against the clock to get to her and prepare her with this all out blood bash brewing. Will they find her in time and get her ready or will it crash and burn like the rest of the world is suppose to? I wonder if she will fall in love with anyone or will she even trust them? Let's find out shall we!

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