Chapter 10

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                   After we got all my stuff in the moving truck and all my personal items in my car, the boys start loading up in their vehicles, and the moving trucks. I turn to look at my sister ignoring my mothers guilty look on her face.

I got to walk to Lily and she puts her hand out in front of her and I stop in my place about 10 feet from her. " I saw what happened earlier in the kitchen with mom and Minho, please don't come and closer." Her voice is breaking as she is starting to cry because she is scared.

"I put my hands up in a surrendering position backing up a little bit, "I'm sorry Lily I couldn't control it but that doesn't justify my actions for letting my anger get the best of me. I will get better at this and hopefully you won't be scared of me by then. I love you and I'm sorry." I turn around and walk to my car holding my tears till I close my fire and let the barricade down. I did the one thing I said I would never do and by me scaring her, it hurt her.

My door opened and I'm pulled out of the car and directed in the passenger side. I look over at my previous seat and the red headed Elf takes the driver seat. "Take a picture it will last longer." He smarts out at me. So I get smart back with him, "Why the hell are you in my drivers seat let alone in my damn car?"

He starts the car then turns to look at. "Because you don't need to drive in the state you are in, you also don't have no clue how to get there and... they played rock paper scissors and I lost so I will be driving you to our lovely home. So suck it up angel, you don't have a choice."

He buckle up and puts the car in drive pulling out and following behind the moving truck and the other two. I buckle up and look out the window, " how long of a drive is it?" I ask him look out of the window as we pass other cars and trees.
"Angel sleep it's been a long day for you. I will wake you up when we get there."
As the word come out of his mouth my eyes starts to feel heavy and u start to see the inside of my eyelids till everything goes dark.

* 3hrs later*

"Angel we are here." I feel Hyunjin shaking my shoulder causing my eyes to flutter open. I rub my eyes sitting up a little to look around to see we are stopping at this large gate behind the big moving truck.

As the gate opens and we pull in, I sit up more and my eyes go big

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As the gate opens and we pull in, I sit up more and my eyes go big. Where the fuck are and what the hell do they do for a living?

"You good angel? Cat got your tongue?" He asks me with a cocky tone to his voice which I didn't like.
"Did I ask for your back up voice you christmas elf?" He puts the car in park and look at me offended with a hand on his chest and I give him a grin getting out of the car with him hot on my tail.

"We have talked about this you little brat." All the guys are out of the cars waiting for us, now giving confused looks to why Hyunjin was yelling after me and why I have a smirk planted on my lips. "Whatever you say, but hey.." I turn to look at him walking backwards, " can you let Santa know I've been a good girl this year?"

I turn back around and get to the others who are laughing their asses off. Hyunjin tolls his eyes and storms off into the house knowing he lost this teasing battle. "Let me show you your room while the others bring in the boxes." Felix touches my shoulder as little sparks on the inside of me come from it. I ignore it and follow him inside.

When walk in I'm meet with a set of two stairs and it is amazing in here

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When walk in I'm meet with a set of two stairs and it is amazing in here. "Let me show you your room." He pointed out where the kitchen was and the living room. Then he gets to a d black door and looks back at me and opens it wide to let me in.

"We didn't know what you would like so we can change it if you don't like it

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"We didn't know what you would like so we can change it if you don't like it." Felix leans on the wall rubbing the back of his neck while I'm in awe of my room. "Are you kidding me? This is amazing I love it." I look like kid in a candy store, eyes wide with a big smile.

I jump on my bed landing on my back letting out a giggle and I can hear Felix let off a deep chuckle. I hear a knock at my door even though it's open, causing me to sit up and see Minho, Han, Jeongin with box's in their hands at my doorway. "Thanks guys you can just put them on the floor."

"Do you need help putting stuff away because I can gladly help you out this box away my little firecracker." I turn around to Jeongin hold my box lawned undergarments with a smirk plastered on his lips. This little mf, I grab one of my school books from my bed chunking it at him, hitting him in his lower stomach.

He drops the box dropping to his knees groaning in pain. Felix, Minho, and Han are laughing so hard, that they are leaning on the wall or door to keep themselves up. "You are a real dumbass if u think she wasn't going to do something about what you just said." Felix tells the boy on the ground.

"Hey where do you... why is I.N on the floor in pain?" Chans and Seungmin walking in holding more box's looking at the idiot on the floor. "I threw a book at him." I tell Chan folding my arms a crossed my chest with a straight face.

"You little bitch" Jeongin groans now laying on the floor knees to his chest. I feel a little bad that I hurt him but then he called me a bitch and that all disappeared from my mind. "I have a whole bag oh heavy books, you want another one?" He goes quiet, "that's what I thought. Anyways he told me he would help me unpack a certain box which contains my bras and panties with smirk on his face." 

Jeongin gets up glaring at me and Chan rolls his eyes. "Come one you idiot you are going to make her hate you." That comment hit hard with me and I don't know why. Chan leads him out of my room as everyone else follows.

Han being the last to leave, "If you need any help just come out here and say one of our names someone will hear you." I nod my head and he closes my door. I look at all my box's with a big sigh. Let's get this over with I guess.

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