Chapter 8

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As we pull into my driveway I see 7 male figures and my mom and my sister outside. Han is pacing back and fourth worried, all their heads pop up as I pull in and Han runs to my car.I get pulled into a bone crushing hug with my arms stuck to my side. "Please don't do that again. We couldn't find you for hours and we all got really worried and scared." He lets me go backing up a little bit.
"I'm sorry it was just a lot and I needed to think about it,but I got a better view about it now." I look over to the side a little bit to see Minho coming around the front of the car and sends me a wink. I give him a little smile and Han took notice to it and didn't like it.
"Have you been with her this whole time and didn't bother to say to any of us that you knew where she was?" Han was livid, you could see it and his grey color eyes were starting to turn a orange color.
"Jisung I was with her for like the last hour because I was smart and used my powers to locate her. I didn't tell anyone because she needed peace and having everyone come up there would have been the opposite to that. Why does it matter Jisung, you jealous?" Minho had a smug ass smirk plastered on his face teasing at Han. One of the eight men who has silver hair walked off my porch very fast to get to the pair beside me. "Han don't think about it."

He wasn't quick enough because Hans hair had done turned orange and was on fire as his eyes shown a very very bright orange red. He pushed Minho backwards making him stumble to keep his balance. "There he is." Minho teases at him some more wanting to get him to blow a lid. "Come on hothead show our lovely new mate how you act when you get upset."
That had struck a nerve in me. "ENOUGH" they both were stopped mid air from punching each other frozen as purple mist surrounded them and everyone turned to look at me how I did that and I'm not even fully sure yet. "Stop being jealous." I looked at Han "And stop being a smug asshole" I turn my stare to Minho. "Now are you two done?" I look back and fourth between the two idiots that starts a stupid fight for no reason as they give me a nod back.
I don't let my mist up as I walk past them to my front door. Right as I'm about to close the door, I let them go hearing two different sets of groans from outside signaling that their punches still connected with each other making me laugh because they deserve it.

After the whole chaos outside, the eight men and my mother return inside to find me sitting on the couch with my sister in silence waiting for them. Minho comes to sit on the other couch as Han goes to the kitchen with my mom. I look at Minho and notice he doesn't have a single mark on him but when Han come in to the living room he has a busted lip. "Han doesn't have the same helping abilities as some of us do."
I turn my head to see the short haired male that helped me remember everything sitting next to me. "What do you mean?" I give a confused look. "Because of what Minho is, his body heals it super fast I mean Han's will heal fast just not as fast. That cut should be gone by the next two hours at most. My lips go into a shape of a O and nod my head still not understanding through. "You can't tell her that idiot when she doesn't even know what we are let alone who we are. You have to explain slower for her." The red head speaks my inner thoughts, "Well how about we introduce ourselves okay?" They all nod their head and sit up a little bit.

"Well since you already know my name and what I am we will go to the next person going to the right of me." I look to his right and there the red head sat. "Well angel I'm Hyunjin and I'm a Elf." I had to cover my mouth as a giggle came out of it, causing him to roll his eyes and scoff, "Not a Christmas Elf you brat a magical Elf." I try to compose myself and nod my head looking to the right of him, which is the long blonde haired male I remember calling them Felix.
"My names Felix and I'm a Fairy my little munchkin." I giggle at his little bubble personality but still doesn't match with his demon voice. Sitting next to the deep voiced fairy is the last one I remember from the cafe. "
Well my beloved queen my name is Seungmin and I'm a Siren." he gives the biggest beautiful smile which I return. "A siren is a mermaid but has a really beautiful singing voices correct?" He nods yes, "Could you maybe show me it sometime?" "I would loved to."
I move to the next person and I roll my eyes at the cocky smile planted on his lips. "Hello my little firecracker, the names Jeongin but everyone calls ma I.N and I'm a Banshee." His little cocky smile makes me want to hit him with a book and maybe my car I don't know yet. I roll my eyes again at the little cocky bastard.
"Hi Princess" my eyes travel to Han sitting on the same couch as me just at the end, I give him a big smile. "Well you already know my name but I'm a Phoenix." He gives me a little smile and I connect the dots about why his hair turned to fire and not burnt off his head.
Moving to the one on the left side of me, a male with silver hair is sitting. I take notice he has one blue eye and the other one is dark red with a scar over his eye but I try not to put my focus on it because he might not like it.
"Hi babygirl my name is Bang Chan but you can call me Chan and I'm a Werewolf." My eyes go a little wide with excitement "Wait like me?" He lets out a chuckle looking back at me with a smile, "Yes babygirl like you." I give him a big smile then turn to the last person to the right of me.
"Well my little wolf my name is Changbin and I am also like you but I'm a Vampire." He gives me a big goofy smile which I return.
The two sitting next to me and Minho a crossed from me feel like they have very dark aura's surrounding them but they don't seem that way.
My mother comes into the living room interrupting my thoughts, "Okay if your done getting to know them it's time to go pack." Huh, what does she mean. "Pack, what do you mean pack?" I look over at her confusion written all over my face but she gives me a big smile. My clueless soft confusion slips of my face and my eyes go big as my mother tells me, "Your packing because you are leaving to go stay with them."

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