Chapter 21

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Third person POV:

After I.N and Changbin heard Auroa screaming for help in their mind they told the other four what they heard, including the three females there. They were dialing Chan's and Lee Knows number on repeat but with no answer only ringing till the voicemail. 

As they all sit around on the couches, and it was a ticking time bomb of waiting till they came back or by the next hour they were going to find them. They could have been caught by humans and are hurt or worse dead.

The worry was hitting I.N and Changbin the hardest being connected to her through the mate bond and Felix has been holding I.N for the last hour who was crying because he couldn't get the horrifying scream out of his head.

With what felt like ages the door finally opened causing everyone in the living room to whip their attention to Lee Know walking in bloody and tired. They rush out of their seats spitting out questions left and right. "Are you guys, okay?" "What happened?" "Where is Rose and Chan?"

Lee Know who had a headache put his hand up causing them to be quiet for a second to let him answer, "Yes we are fin-" The sound of a set of footsteps shift their attention away from Lee Know to the doorway to see Chan covered in blood and tired as well holding a very bloody limp Auroa in his arms.

I.N drops to his knees putting his hand over his mouth to try to stop the sobs from escaping his mouth. "What-t umm... Chan is she..." Changbin couldn't finish the words coming out of his mouth afraid for it to be true.

But Chan's words put them all at ease but not to the fullest, "Yes she fine, we just had to snap her neck at the blood bank." Lee Know held back Changbin with the help of Liz as Felix and Tabby held I.N down as both men were fuming. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU HAD TO SNAP HER NECK?" I.N screams from the floor as his eyes are glowing bright yellow. Chan walks around them with a sigh walking down to the basement. He walks into one of the cells laying her on the bed and chaining her wrist down burning himself with the silver chain. 

He doesn't want to put her in here, but he doesn't know if she will wake up her normal self or whatever she was back at the blood bank, and he had to make sure everyone was safe.

He walks out closing the cell door and locking it. He walks back upstairs to see Lee Know had made everyone sit on the couch to wait for Chan. Chan sits in the big chair running his hand through his hair, "Okay I didn't do this to harm her there is a reason." 

He explains all the details at the hospital causing I.N to let out a gasp looking at Changbin, "Thats why she was screaming for help." Chan and Lee Know look at I.N confused, "What do you mean screaming for help?"

"Me and Changbin heard her screaming for help in our heads, but she would never answer back and that's because her brain had shut her emotions off, it was a switch that got flipped." After I.N explained what they had heard a loud ear-piercing scream of pain caught everyone's attention.

Some jumped over the couch's while others ran around them, Han being the first one to get into the basement door. He pulled it open spotting her sitting on the ground trying to pull her hand out of the chain which was burning red and was burning her skin. 

She was sobbing trying to free her hand, not understanding what was going on or why she was there.  She started to claw at her wrist for it to stop burning, blood running down her arm as she starts to scream her loved one's names out.

"Lee Know... Hannie... I.N... Binnie... somebody help me please." She lets out more sobs to the point of not hearing that the basement door had been opened. 

They all heard her scream the first four she had become close with dying on the inside with their hearts breaking with her sobs, "Let her out of there Chan now she's hurt and doesn't understand what's going on." 

Chan shook his head no still thinking she was pulling a trick, but those tears weren't a trick she was scared and when she heard the voices of her mates, she looked up happy thinking they were saving her but to only find out they were the ones to put her in there in the first place cracked her heart. 

"You put me in here?" They all stopped arguing hearing the small voice from the basement, turning to see a tear-stained face ignoring the pain in her hand but now focused on her heart. 

They couldn't stand to see her like this but without Christophers okay they couldn't let her out, but three individuals didn't have to follow his orders. A swirl of blue caught Lee Knows eyes from behind them, causing him to shift his eyes to where it was coming from but not wanting to cause attention to it.

Tabby was slowly pulling the keys out of Chan's pocket handing them over to Andrea. Andrea makes eye contact with Lee Know giving him a smirk before making the keys disappear from her hands. 

The sound of keys jingling in someone's hand caught everyone's attention as Liz unlocked the door then unlocked the chain on her wrist. Auroa hugged Liz as Liz froze for a second not use to the hug but wrapped her arms around the small girl.

"You can't just let the fuck out Liz I said no, not until we can figure out what was happe-" "You want to know what was happening Chan, I'll tell you."

Liz gets up still hugging the small girl at her waist while looking at the group of men, "It was her first time in a public place after being turned and it was a damn blood bank, then from what Lee Know told us it was the mate mark. You might not be fully mated to her yet, but she feels it on the inside and didn't know how to control that emotion with that much power."

She steps out of the cell with Andrea getting on Liz's side while Tabby gets on Auroa's, "She has a lot of power that she has no idea how to handle and apparently you don't want to help her or show her how to use them we have to." 

The walk up the stair making sure the weak girl gets up to the main floor, Tabby speeds away up the stair to the bedrooms as the girls walk outside towards the cars, with the guys following right on their tail.

"Where do you think you are going with her?" Chan asks as Liz put Auroa in the back seat of her car. Tabby speeds stop right next to Liz with a duffle bag full of stuff putting it in the floorboard before getting in next to her. 

Andrea gets into the passenger seat as Liz closes the back door turning to the boys as she opens the driver door, "What I am doing with her is taking her with us so she can get proper train and maybe get treated better because putting your mate in a cell and burning her is being a very shitty mate." 

She closes her car door as I.N and Changbin start to bang on the car window. Chan yells at them to stop as they start to run after them.

They could lose their mate, with her leaving the bond will be destroyed. 

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