Chapter 6

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"I'm a witch and your father is what they call a hybrid, which is a wolf and a vampire."

I blink a couple of times trying to let that truck load of information soak into me. But before I ask questions I let her finish. "So we are kept secret from the outside world, nobody expect for others supernaturals know about us. When I got with your father we thought we couldn't have kids but we were fine with it because we loved each other,but we then we got pregnant with you. You were a miracle to us and to the supernatural world because of a prophecy." She looked at me for reassurance to make sure I was okay and taking it all in. I give her a nod to keep going.

"A war is brewing between the sides but the human side doesn't know that we know what they are planning. The prophecy talked about a Tribrid and eight other creature who was going to win this war for us. That bunny is you, you are the Tribrid that is suppose to save us." My sister reach's up to close my mouth that had fallen open. "Come again?" I blink at my mother wide eyed, "I'm a what now and I suppose the supernatural side of the world with who these guys?" My finger points over to the eight gentlemen who are sitting on my couch. "You make it sound like you don't want it to be us angel."
"Shut up" I turn my attention to the red head, with my eyes glowing purple and red. "A feisty little thing aren't we?" I turn my head to the male sitting next to him. A gentlemen with longer black hair with a eyebrow raised and a little smug smirk planted on his lips. That comment and that stupid smirk was enough to push me over the edge. "Why you little, I said shut the hell up!" My vision goes from purple red to more red this time with veins coming out from under my eyes and I feel my canines enlarge giving me a nice sharp set of fangs. As I'm making my way to the boy with a raging wrath. Han beats me to it putting his hands on my cheeks blocking my vision from the raven haired male as I start putting up a fight to get to him. "Princess I need you to calm down for me okay." I start to calm down hearing him talk to me. My breathing goes back to normal the same with me eyes and teeth. I blink a couple of times still not use to my eyes changing colors.

My green eyes meet his set of light grey ones bringing me back to my senses. "You back with me princess?" His hands are still on my cheeks looking into my eyes with concern. I have talked to this man once and I have never felt more safe then I do right now. "Jisung what is going on? I instantly felt safe when u got close to me and I don't know why and that really scares me." My eyes have tears brimming trying to burst over the edge. "Princess your mother is telling the truth, your a tribrid. Your a witch, werewolf, and a vampire. Okay?" He nodded at me waiting for me to respond so he isn't overloading me with to much information at once. I nod my head wanting him to finish telling me. "Okay so you said you feel safe with me, well did you feel safe when Felix held on to you earlier?" I turn to look at the blonde male figure with purple eyes, who is looking at me with a worried expression but with a little smile planted on his lips, I nod my head a little looking back at Han.

"Well that's because we are your mates, your soulmates, all eight of us."

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