Chapter 11

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After about three hours I notice it was dark outside and I have almost finished unpacking everything. A knock at the door draws me away from the closet, "come in" I stick my head out as Changbin stick his head into my room. "Hey little wolf it's time to eat." I nod my head "Let me change and I will be down in a minute." "Okay do you remember the way?" He asks me and I nod my head. He nods his head and takes his head back out closing my door. I go back to the closet to change.

I'm looking at myself in the mirror thinking if this is a good idea or not. I mean yes they are suppose to be my mates but I don't want it to seem like I'm a slut It's just comfy.
Whatever I'm just in my head, to much has happen today. I let my hair out of the hair clip, putting on my white bunny slips and head down to the kitchen.
As I get closer I can hear voices talking and laughing knowing I'm at the right spot. As I make sight of them Han is the first to notice me, " Hi Princess" they all stop talking and look at me. "Hey what's for dinner?" I walk to the table sitting in between Changbin and Seungmin.
Chan speaks up at the end of the table, "Well because of what you are normal food won't fill you up in the way it would normally. You need blood like Changbin and Minho. You can still eat what we are having and later Changbin can give you a bag in private so you can get more comfortable drinking blood."

The whole table is looking at me waiting for my answer and it making me want to shrink in my seat but I feel a hand grab mine causing me to look up at the owner holding it. I look up to meet the eye of my fellow vampire giving me a smile to help me through this question.
"If it's fine with you guys, I would like to eat with you guys and then after dinner Changbin can give me a bag and a run down about how this whole ordeal will work."

I look back at Chan but take a glance at everyone at the table. "We would love it if you join us princess." Han speaks up next to Chan, the nickname making my ears feel hot.
Him and Chan get up from the table and into the kitchen. The two return from said kitchen with six box's of pizza placing them on the table in the middle. They open the ones on top showing on with regular pepperoni and the other meat lovers.

I hear a ladies first from somewhere around the table but I can't pinpoint where because I'm full focused on the mouth watering pizza in front of me. I grab two of the pepperoni and put them on my plate, causing the guys to follow in suit.

The max of 20 minutes that everyone was eating, it was silent. Not a single sound was made except for people putting their cups down. Everyone is now done and getting up to put theirs plates in the sink.

"Okay so who is doing dishes?" Han brings up the one question that everyone has seem to want to avoid.
"I have to give Aurora her blood bag, so I can't." Changbin brings up, grabbing my hand slowly backing up to the stairs.
"But Changbin that ca-" "No it can't bye" Changbin interrupts Minho rushing up the stairs pulling me with him.

We get up the stairs to my door, he opens it to my room pulling me to sit on my bed. "Stay right there I'll be right back" he tells me walking out the door to I'm guessing his room. He comes back moments later with two bags in hand with red liquid in them, closing the door behind him.
"Okay do you want to do this together or me do it first then you do it?" He asked me coming to sit next to me on the bed. "Together so I can do the same as you."he nods his head giving me of the blood bag that looks like they belonged in a hospital.
"And before you ask no we don't on actual humans. A couple towns over me and Minho have a supplier who brings us bags to last a couple months, but with you now drinking I will have to let him know. If drinking human blood makes you what we call a Ripper then we will switch you to animal blood till you can get the hang of it okay?"

I nod my head and look back down the bag. My gums start to inflamed as edged canines penetrate through and my vision starts to turn red causing me to move my vision from the bag to Changbin.
"Okay little wolf tear open the bag and slowly enjoy it don't rush it" I look back at the bag tearing it open with my teeth. I put the bag on my lips and start to drink the red liquid, letting the metallic flavor slide down my throat, closing my eyes as the euphoria feeling take over.

After about three minutes I finish the bag looking up meeting Changbins human gaze, who had already finished his bag. As I make eye contact with him, his eyes return back to their vampire state to match mine but full of lust as he looks down at the little bit of blood sliding down the corner of my mouth.
I take my finger wiping it off, and putting it in my mouth letting out a soft little moan at the wonderful taste. When I make eye contact with him again it was like the tension on a tightly pulled rubber band had snapped.
He comes at me with enhanced speed pushing me back on to the bed, giving over top of me releasing a low growl. "Little wolf I don't know if it's the mate bonding or actual attraction to you but you teasing me is going to make me start something I'm not going to be able to stop myself at."
His eyes shine a ruby red with his fangs a light pink coating from the previous blood he had just drank. I agree with him that I don't know if it's the mate bond or actual attraction but....

"What's stopping you?" I ask with a playful smirk.

....who really cares.


I know I have been gone for sometime but I was losing ideas with all the stuff I had going on. I didn't give up on the book but a lot was happening so it made it hard for me to write for you guys well the ones that are left anyways.

But I am back to writing the book and my other two books will be updated soon as well.

Far warning ⚠️ smut scene ⚠️ next chapter things will get spicy and kinda kinky but not off the rails. I already have it set in stone well on paper on certain things that are happening in the book in the future.
Don't forget to star and comment.

But till next time peace and like Julie Chan Moonves says from Big Brother 'love one another'
💕Annyeong 💕

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