Chapter 9

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I shoot out my seat looking at my mother as if she really has gone insane. "Are you out of your mind? Why would I go live with people I barely know. No offense to you guys." I have my hands out in front looking at all eight males not wanting to offend them in anyway. "Your okay little wolf you didn't." Changbin reassures me causing me to turn my attention back to my mother. "But just because they are my mates does not mean I have to live with them right away."
She lets out a little sigh before looking back at me guilt searing in her eyes. "Momma your scaring me what is going on? Why do I have to leave? Did I do something wrong or" realization strikes me like lighting and my face went to a cold demeanor, "or is it because of what I am?"
The guilt shines right through her as she stays silent looking at the ground give me my answer.
"Fine, boys do you have a way to take all of my things?" I turn to face them asking my question. "We can go get a moving truck, it will be about a hour." "And I can go to the site down the road to get boxes." Chan and Felix tell grabbing their keys heading to the door
"Princess so you need and help?" The rest of them stand up looking at me waiting for instructions. "Chan" I called out and he stops and turns to me. "Can you take Jeongin and Hyunjin with you and Felix for extra help please?"
I hear scoffs and without even looking at them knowing they also rolled their eyes, I turn to Han. "Can the rest of you help me move some of the bigger stuff out front?" He gives me a nod as him and the other head up stairs and I hear the front door close signaling the other four have left.
"Bunny" my mother finally speaks up after standing quiet this whole time. I stop on the stairs with my back to her, "if you just let me explain"
I turn around with cold glare but fire burning behind my eyes. "Mother I don't want and explanation from you. You told me I need to pack my shit , that's it. I had to figure out myself that you didn't want me here because you are scared I'm going to hurt someone here.
If you would have told me the from the start, I would have agreed with you. If it invokes me hurting my sister because I can't control my new self or leaving with people I barely know, I would leave without even blinking. But I had to figure it out on my own because you couldn't tell me and THAT MAKES YOU A COWARD MOTHER!"
I had done come down the stairs in the middle of my ranting and yelling. My vision had started to turn red and purple and my gums were starting to hurt as fangs pierced through.
I was pissed and I respect my mother with everything that I am and I don't cusss at her. But she couldn't have the same respect for me to tell me why. I start to feel this raging hunger as I look at her and could hear her heartbeat going wild and it was driving it over the edge. I feel someone touch my shoulder and I turn around and reach for their neck not caring who it was as the rage and hunger were taking over.
"Kitten, kitten it's me Minho come back to me baby." I come back to realizing I have my hand is wrapped around Minhos throat with him not even trying to get loose but just trying to talk me back.
This is what she was trying to avoid. My vision comes back but my fangs are still present from the hunger and I take my hand off his throat really fast.
"Minho I'm so so sorry" My vision starts to blur as tears start to form and my hands start to shake.
What did I just do, I could have just killed Minho because I didn't have control. This is what my mother was trying to avoid this whole time. She didn't want me to hurt anyone and I almost did.
"Kitten look at me it's okay let's go upstairs and cool off while we pack your stuff okay?" He takes my hands in his, making me look at him as a tear comes over the brim, that he wipes away with a small smile on his face.
"Maybe Changbin had something for you to eat on till we get home? I nod my head and head up stairs with him to my room with my mind going crazy.

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