Chapter 18

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"You aren't trying hard enough and aren't staying focused." As you can tell after a long, good night's rest, I am out here sweating my ass off and trying very hard to control my emotions and from taking a chunk out of this bitch.

"Well, I could if you weren't screaming at me that I am doing something wrong every two seconds." I snap back at Tabby who was currently trying to help control more of my magic and have been for the past two hours.

"Just try again please." Liz says from the back porch railing that she is sitting on next to Andrea. Liz helped me early this morning with controlling my shift and on blood lust control. Because of what she is, she has a lot of speed behind her, so after my shifting class we focused on tracking. 

Andrea cut her arm and Liz ran her into the forest and I had to go find her without trying to kill her which didn't go as plan as I almost bit her if Liz wasn't quick enough. So now after my break I have magic class which I would have taken Lee Know and Felix's help but no.

I closed my eyes and tried to harness pulling my magic to the front, I let out a groan as it stops and fails again. "That's it she's useless, how can someone have powers but can't even use them." Tabby throws her hand in the air turning to look at the girls on the porch.

"The same way you were a witch but couldn't do magic till you turned so don't come judging me for not being taught them when you didn't have real ones." Liz and Andrea lean on each other as they burst out laughing almost following off the railing.

I wasn't paying attention to the porch to notice Lee Know, I.N and Seungmin had walked out to see the pair laughing and Tabby with a pissed off face looking my way, but she noticed them. 

"Fine be that way but when this war happens and one by one your lovers start to drop because you can't defend them that's on you." My eyes go wide as I look at her as the made-up images flow through my brain. 

"Shut up." "One by one right in front of you and all around you, they are going to die, and it will be your fault." The girls on the front go quiet as I let out a low deep growl my body starting to tremble and my eye change to purple. 

"Tabby stop that's going to far." Liz says from the front porch getting concerned from how fast she was making this escalate but she was ignored.

"Your whole little world will crumble, Lee Know, I.N, Seungm-" "SHUT UP!" It was like a flip had switched in the back of brain and let loose a magic surge through my body.  

A purple blast shoots out of my hand toward Tabby instead on the target causing her to speed off quick as I blasted a hole through the tree. 

My mind had realized what had happened and flip the switch back off as I stare at the hole in the tree in amazement then back to my hand. "Well then," I look up at the front porch to see all three of the girls sitting on the railing while the eight men stand behind them or are leaning on the railing.

"Looks like anger was the kill switch." I have no words as I form a purple ball into my hand bouncing it back and forth between my left and right watching in amusement. "Well damn Tabs you were almost cooked."

 She turns her head towards Lee Know who made the comment "Pftt yeah right as if, the little brat couldn't even hurt a fly if she wanted to." Two small blasts from different directions send her backwards off the railing causing the two girls to go back into their laughing fit.

She sits back up in a hurry looking at me who is currently looking at how pretty the skin is and then turns her direction to the blonde fairy who raises his eyebrow at her with his arms crossed, "Watch yourself, you might be older but that don't make you more powerful against her." 

A clap catches all of our attention, "Okay me and Lee Know have to run into town our blood bags are low after three extras last night and if we don't go now, we will not get them for another week."

I raise my hand like I'm in class, "Can I go with?" Chan and Lee Know look at each other before shrugging their shoulders, "Go get showered and changed we leave in 20." I run past them both into the house before Lee Know could finish his sentence.

"Well damn she is eager to leave, isn't she?"  Andrea laughs as I ran by. "Well, she hasn't left the house beside to the yard since she got here." 

Hyunjin said casually and after a few seconds, "Oh shit." Binnie and Lee Know go barreling into the house after me. "ROSEEE."

HIHI my lovely 

I know I have been gone for minute I traveled to WV and then New York to go see Enhypen.

But more drama coming soon so look for it.

But don't forget to vote, comment, and add if you haven't already.

Till next time goodbye my flowers

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