Chapter 5

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I open my eyes staring at a ceiling, blinking a couple times to get my vision back from being blurry. I sit up noticing I'm in my room but I'm very confused the last I remember was my party starting. My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening causing me to look at it. Lily is coming with a book and a glass of water with a sadden look sketched across her face. "Lily" she looks up from the floor and her eyes so wide. She drops the book and the glass of water causing it to shatter and I put my hand out and the glass pieces stop from slinging everywhere.
She jumps on top of me giving me a tight hug that might kill someone but I'm still frozen confused on how the hell I just made the glass from going everywhere. "Mom she's awake, she's finally up" she detaches from me and runs out the room to find our mother who she was yelling for. I get out of my bed walking to my vanity and my hair is white as snow. It's fucking white, why in the fucking hell is my hair white and not my ginger color. I turn my head to the door as I hear my sister come back into the room as my mother comes trailing behind her. "Why is my hair white and not the ginger color I'm suppose to be?" That is the first thing that comes out of my mouth to my mother. She sticks her hand out to me, " come on bunny I owe you a big explanation and I have some people who want to meet you." I'm hesitant but I take her hand and we leave my room.

As we get to the bottom of the stairs I see eight men sitting on our couch softly talking to each other but a couple catch my eye. "Jisung?" They all turn their attention to us at the stairs. They all stand up facing us but all only Han walks to us, hands in his back pockets, "Hi princess" he gives me a smile, but I completely ignore it looking at the rest of the gentlemen. "You four are from the cafe, mom what is going on?" I look at her as she lets out a little sigh pulling me to the couch to sit down. Han walks back over sitting with the rest of the guys, and my mom and sister sit on either side of me. "Bunny do you remember anything after meeting Jisung last night?" I shake my head no to my mothers question. I look at the guys trying to figure out and remember what happen till I make eye connect with a certain short black haired male and I felt it all come back to me in a rush causing me to let out a large gasp, grabbing my sisters hand. All the men jump up a little til my mother motions for them to sit back down but I can't break eye contact with the certain male as it all comes back to me like we were in a trance. I see everything from my eyes turning purple and purple mist coming out of my hands, me growing claws and fangs and my eyes changing to blue, to my mother stabbing me and the black haired male catching me. I finally break the eye contact but I turn to my mother, but eyes are blazing with fury. I slow get up back up a little looking at her, "you killed me." My vision starts to turn purple red and purple purple mist starts to come from my hands. I feel two arms wrap around me from the back causing me to freeze and start calming down instantly, the most goes away and my green eyes come back. I turn to find a tall, blonde long haired male figure wrapped around me and I look over to Han freaking out just a little because I have not a clue who the male figure is. I don't know why but I felt comfort in the male and safe but I didn't know who he was. "Felix you can let her go now, you are freaking her out a little bit." Han took notice of me freaking a little bit trying to get the boy who I now know as Felix off of me. The boy slowly lets and backs away sitting back down on the couch. "Bunny can you please sit back down and let me explain please?" I turn back to my mother and I can see the pleading in her eyes so I decided to stop making a foot of myself and sit back down but closer to my sister taking my hand in hers.

"So bunny to start this I have to tell you about me and your father. I'm a witch and your father is what they call a hybrid, which is a wolf and a vampire."

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