Chapter 7

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My eyes go wide as I take just that one big statement into my mind. I step back away from Han taking his hands off my face. My eyes are going crazy looking at everyone in the room, as my breathing and my heart rate start to pick up. "Bunny come back to me okay breathe." I can hear my sister trying to bring me back to but it's faint because all I can hear is my heart rate going up. I stumble past Han making my way to the the door grab my keys and heading out the door. My thoughts are going crazy. As my car is backing up I can see everyone has come out of the house trying to get me to stop from leaving. I need to get out of here it's all to much.

I take a drive about thirty minutes away from the house. It's a big meadow with so many pretty flowers and trees. I parked and got out of my car, walking over to this huge tree sitting at the base, pulling my knees to my chest and closing my eyes. This was mine and my best friends place to come. She showed me this place our Jr. year of high school, and it was her peaceful place to just come and sit in silence and just breath. So that's what we did every day after school. We would come here for about a hour after school and just relax from the long school day. But two days before our graduation on our way back into town we got into a accident. A semi truck t-boned on her driver side, she was killed in impact and I was in a coma for six months and they didn't think I would make it. I haven't been back to this meadow now in about five year and it brings back a bunch of memories but I needed this. What makes it worse was my boyfriend who I was with for three year started cheating on me during the six month coma I was in. He was most likely cheating on me before then but really made himself a piece of shit was when the day I woke up he came to the hospital.
To make it seem like a classic drama movie he got with my high school bully, yeah I know but that's how shitty it was. Five years, five year since I was with anyone else and I never got got to the sexual part of my relationship I wasn't ready and now I have eight soulmates. Maybe it was my sign, when I was with a shitty person for three years then single and not touched for five. But eight of them is a lot and I don't even know them. I didn't even realize I had been crying or there was someone here till I felt a finger wipe the tears off my cheek.

I open my eyes fast turning to find a purple haired male sitting next to me. "I didn't mean to startle you." I stayed quiet looking back at the meadow. "How did you find me?" My voice finally came through and it was cold as ice. Nobody else knew about this place that I know of. "Well we were all searching for you but because of what I am , I was able to locate where you were." We went back to being silent for a little bit till I decide to break it. "What are you?" I'm still looking at the meadow but I can feel him look at me. "I'm a warlock, which is a witch and demon hybrid. How are you doing with all of this mess." I let out a heavy sigh closing my eyes. "It's a lot. To be killed by your mother and then find out your a mythical/ fairytale creature that you thought for most of your life was in only movies or stories. To top that I'm mated to eight males who I have no clue who they are or what they are. To take the icing on the cake the fate of the supernatural world is on mine and the said mates shoulders and I don't even know how to use said powers or abilities to do so. Shitty ass damn birthday if you ask me."

I let out another heavy sigh after letting out my emotions. " I'm sorry for ranting all that to you and I don't even know your name." I let out a little laugh and so does he. "The name is Minho and your fine kitten I would rather you release what you are thinking to me then keep it all in till you blow up on someone." I give him a small smile. "So with the whole soulmate thing you have two choices A. The lovers soulmate and B. A friend tied soulmate. You could fall in love with one of us and the other 7 be your best friends for life. It's your choice how you want it to play out and nobody is rushing you we have plenty of time I promise." He informs me helping to calm me down and helps a lot. "Thank you" I turn to look at him but he is already looking at me, "Anytime kitten, but we should really head back you have been out here for 3 hours and the others are worried about you." He gets up and sticks his hand out to help pull me up, which I gladly take and we walk to my car. "How did you get here?" I notice it's only my car in the area where I'm parked at. "Teleportation kitten, but can I please ride back with you this time I don't feel like doing that again. " I nod my head yes telling him to get in the car and I drive back to town with a clear mind and a smile on my face.

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