Chapter 16

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So come to find out, Binnie being close to me wasn't a problem for I.N but as soon as any of the others would make a step he would go in defense mode, it was the bonds that I had already formed with Bin.

It's been about three days since me and I.N bonded, and he seems fine with them being to close or even touching me. Him and Bin are super clingy but then again so am I, but we were perfectly fine with it.

Because of I.N nobody has made a move to move the mating process along and I'm getting nerves that we won't be able to finish in time. As I opened my eyes, I found my bed empty, telling me I.N and Changbin had woke up and went to get ready for the day.

I got up from the bed, taking a good hot shower. I love those boys, but damn are they horny. If it's not with one, it's the other and I don't mind because they turn me on as well. 

The thought of it makes my core start to heat up again but my legs needing a break, so I just tried to shake it off. After I got out of the shower and applied lotion to my arms and legs, I wrapped a towel around my body and blow dried my hair. 

After I was finished, I exited the bathroom going to my closet grabbing my clothes, a bra and a pair of panties. I set the clothes on my bed and right as I dropped my towel my door bust up and slams as a body is pressed against it with their eyes closed. 

"Umm.. Felix, can I help you?" I slowly bend down to pick up the towel as his eye shoot up. "Oh my god I didn't mean to I was being chased by Chanb-" He pauses mid-sentence coming to with what was in front of him. 

My window slightly opens, and a forced gust of wind pulls the towel from my grasps. I look up at the fairy whose hand is slightly stuck out causing the wind, and eyes glowing a now blue instead of his normal lightly purple color. 

He lets out a soft growl taking slow steps towards me as I'm frozen like time has stopped. I can feel his emotions that he is trying to pull together but is failing to do so, him wanting me that badly at this very moment.

He stops in front of me as he moves his hand over slightly causing the curtains to all shift closing from the wind from his command. He brings the same hand up to my cheek, rubbing his thumb a crossed my cheek bone.

Not breaking eye contact, "So beautiful." He softly smashes his lips into mine, not rough like I.N but full of passion. His other hand grabs my bare waist slowly pulling me closer as my hand sit on his clothed chest. 

He slowly backs me up, pushing me softly onto the bed leaning over me never breaking the kiss. He slowly leaves my lips traveling down my jaw to my neck, not rushing being slow and passionate. I start feeling dizzy as he kisses on my sweet spots inhaling all of your scent, "Fuck you smell so good." 

He kisses right at the golden spot letting him now as I let out a soft whimper, he smirks against my skin then latches on to it by sucking, biting and abusing it anyway that he could. 

My hands travel to the back of his neck tugging on the base of his blonde hair earning a low groan against your skin as you let out soft whimpers and moans. 

"Damn you look so pretty with my marks on you." His sweet talk just adds fuel to the fire burning in my stomach, desire seeping through my pores. 

He goes to kiss me again but a loud bang on the door stops him, "Mi, Lee Know said to come to the kitchen if you want to cook breakfast with him." Changbin walks away as Felix lays his head on my chest trying to get himself together. 

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