Chapter 4

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Nobody's pov:

The young man holds the young girl who is covered in blood, lifeless, and cold to the touch. Her mother tells everyone she thanks them for coming to witness history and ends the party. The sister is finally let go and makes a b-line up the stairs. The young man slowly puts the girl on the floor then gets pushed over by the sister. She drops down on her knees next to the girl, tears streaming down her face as she holds on to her. She is confused and lost to why their mother would do such a thing and murder her big sister and to where her father was. She is very confused and very hurt as she gets up raging with fury, "WHY? WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU THAT YOU HAVE TO MURDER YOUR OLDEST DAUGHTER ON HER 21st BIRTHDAY? HUH? YOU MURDERED YOUR DAUGHTER IN FRONT OF A HUNDRED PEOPLE AND YOUR HAPPY ABOUT IT." Tears and mascara soaked her face as she yells at the mother. "Lily sweetheart please calm down there was a reason why. So please come inside with us so we can explain what's going on okay?" The mother stops talking to the young gentlemen turning her attention to her youngest daughter trying to calm her down. She makes slow steps scared she might lash out on her. Lily turns to look at her sister as another young man with silverish grey hair picks her sister up bridal style and starts to walk back to the house with seven others. "DON'T TOUCH ME" she barks at her mother as she feels her start to touch her arm. "Unless the words you tell me in the house some how bring my sister back I want nothing to do with you and I hope you rot in hell." She pushes past the mother following the men with her sister as the mother follows behind letting out a deep sigh knowing this about the be a stressful talk.

A young girl dressed in a white dress fitted dress down to her knees, clean of blood lays. Her ginger long hair is now white as snow. She looks pure and innocent laying in the bed as everyone around her waits.
"When will she wake?" A young man with purple hair ask the older woman standing with them. "It shouldn't be much longer, anytime now." The older lets them all know. And as right on cue the young girls heart starts to beat again and her eyes flew open showing off their new color. Purple with red pieces, with black veins underneath and a look in her eyes that could kill if she wanted to.

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