chapter 1

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Athena POV

I was given a task, a task that no one who had even a tiny bit of brain cells would do...  Clearly I didn't have any brains at all

I was supposed to go into into the South part of the town and deliver a package, what was in the package? I have absolutely no idea, anyone with a sane mind would know that people from the North are not supposed to go in the South area, specially not doing shady stuff

The thing is, I don't have a choice.. They were going to kill me anyways, I would much rather be killed here in the hands of strangers rather than in the hands of those cruel people

The task given to me was simple, well mostly simple, I had to go to the South of the town, our town was the one right in the middle of the country, which meant that the two halves of the town were controlled by different people

The North part where I come from is the part ruled by mafia lords and humans, and the South part of the country and South part of the town is ruled by mafia leaders who are also vampires

Statistically speaking the vampires who rule the South are a lot stronger than the stupid humans who ruled the North, but because of some thing they signed theu co exist and everything sorts works out

Crossing the border was not the hard part, the hard part was the actual delivery, it had to be done really close to the head house of the leaders and only people who are known were allowed to enter that zone

By luck I pass off easily as a citizen and no one would suspect a 5 foot tall, small girl like me to do something as dangerous as a delivery drop for the mafia

It wasn't by choice, my Father owed the leaders something which was apparently a lot more important than money, and when he refused to pay off the 'debt' I watched as they killed my father and mother as a penalty and took me as a by product

I was 13 at that time, it's been 5 years since then and they have mostly used me as maid, but it all changed after they got my classification letter

I was a little... And for some reason that made them very mad, the treatment got really bad after that and I was sent out on more dangerous things

Luck seemed to run out for me as soon as I dropped the package, the guards spotted me and they knew something was up

Before I could comprehend what was going on I felt something on the side of my neck and I was out cold, damn and here I thought I could have a dramatic death.... I guess not

Opal POV

We made sure that the security in the area near our house was very safe, as leaders it's our responsibility to keep our safe above all

Me and Helen are caregivers, when we got our classification we were over the moon, we would get to take care of a little baby and love her, spoil her, keep her safe

Sadly it took us some time to realise that being mafia leaders and Vampires doesn't make us very good caregiver options, apparently it's unsafe

We have made sure to keep our part of the country as safe as we can for littles and caregivers, they are very much accepted and there are no restrictions on humans and vampires being caregiver and little or vice versa, but all parties need to be 18+

Me and Helen have been around for a couple of centuries, we did find a couple of littles who wanted to be our little, 2 of them were vampires and they didn't really work out because they didn't like being controlled and well wanted nothing but money, I am more than okay with spoiling our little, but I also known what it's like to be used for money only

I didn't think that anything would go wrong today, it was a nice peaceful sunday and me and Helen had a sweet dinner planned, most of our paperwork was done and Helen was sorting out her's

The head guard came into the office with a frown on his face, that could only mean one thing, there is something going on and somewhere in my part of the country something happened which was not supposed

"We caught someone making a drop near the main base, it was a package from the North leaders" He said, his eyes darkening, "who was it and did we get the package?" I asked him, making him nod

"It was a girl who works for the North leader, we have her in captivity and the shipment were drugs, we have them in possession as well" He said and bowed "I looked at Helen to meet her eyes and she nodded making a silent agreement with me

"Keep her in lock up for today, we'll deal with it tomorrow, that's all for today" I told him, making him nod and leave

Those North humans really need to get themselves under check and stop trying to bring drugs into my part of the town, just because we have a agreement doesn't mean that I'll let anything and everything happen under my nose

"We'll deal with it tomorrow baby, come on, i'm done" Helen whispered into my ear, kissing my cheek and making me get up, before taking us both to our bedroom, well.... At least I know I'll be ending my day on a good note, I can always beat those shitty humans tomorrow

Here we go, this is my new book and the main characters are going to be mafia leaders and vampires

Give me your views on how you liked the first chapter so far

This is also going to be slightly slow with Athena going into regression, because of the story line

I hope you guys enjoy the story!


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