chapter 14

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Athena POV

The people from the South pact are so different from the people of the North pact... All of them at least the ones present for the meeting are so so kind

They did have curious looks on their faces but none of them were giving me cold glances or glares which in my personal opinion is a good sign

"It's wonderful to meet you little master, I apologize for my behavior the other day, I uh haven't had the best experience with humans" It was the person from the other day.... The one I met in the kitchen

He extended his hand out to me "I'm derek at your service little master" He spoke in a fake posh accent making me giggle softly and shake his hand

"Now that introductions are over, we need to inform the council about the peace treaty, because they indeed broke the rules and attacked us" Opal spoke and I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about

"What do you want for breakfast honey?" Opal asked me softly, my eyes landing on the huge assortments of food that was set on the table "d-dunno" I mumbled softly there were so many options and I didn't know which one to choose

"How about you try a little of everything and see which ones you like?" Opal whispered making me nod, it sounds like a fun idea

Opal slowly pointed to each dish and asked if I wanted to try it or not and every time I said yes, she scooped a little amount and put it on my plate "fanks opal" I whispered softly

I felt opal's hand wrap around my body again and give me a small squeeze making me smile and dig into my food, most of the food was yummy, I didn't like the quiche and the salad (cause it had green stuff in it)

"Are you all done sweetheart?" Helen asked softly after I had finished everything that I wanted to eat and she was done with hers as well

"Uh huh" I nodded softly and reached my hands out for her, I giggled softly as she lifted me up without any difficulty and sat me on her lap making giving me a chance to hide my face in her neck

"Did you like breakfast bubba?" Helen asked me softly rubbing her hand up and down my back making me cuddle into her more "eggies yum" I whispered softly, the scrambled eggs were my favourite out of everything

Helen POV

She did really good, I wasn't expecting her to warm up to our pact so quick but she did and everyone adored her so much

We needed to plan out how to get revenge on those stupid scum bags, but I didn't wanna discuss anything about them with Athena still in the room

The issue was, she doesn't trust anyone other than both of us and it was essential that we stay here for the planning since we were gonna be the front lines in the attack

"You wanna play in our room for a bit darling? Me and opal gotta talk about some adult boring stuff with the pact" I whispered into her ear and I instantly felt her freeze up

"It's okay if you don't want to honey, but we really do need to have some adult conversations" I cooed softly in her ear, tightening my hold on her, letting her know that I won't let go unless she wants me to

"You wanna come play with me and my little one for a bit? While your mommies deal with the boring stuff?" I heard derek ask her from behind me, coming closer to boop her nose

"No leave awlone? " She asked softly moving away a little from my shoulder so she could look at my face "no sweetheart no one's gonna leave you alone I promise" I whispered kissing her head

"Opal? Go pwlay pweaseeeee" She turned her head to look at opal, bouncing a little on my lap clearly excited, it melts my heart that she felt the need to ask both of our approval before saying anything

"Sure honey, you gonna have lots of fun with Derek and spencer" Opal gently rubbed her thumb over her cheek, letting her know it was okay for her to go

"Otay! Yes pwease miss dwek, we pwlay" She whispered extending her hands towards her to which he happily complied and scooped her up and proceeded to walk out of the room but not before Athena made her stop and waved at us

I feel like you guys haven't been loving the story....  Is there something that's not been up to the level?

Please give me your views in the comments


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