chapter 3

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Athena POV

I had spend the better part of the morning feeling really anxious and scared, I was almost certain that I was getting killed

I don't know how much time had passed, it's not like I had any way of knowing what was happening on the outside

The sudden clank of the door bought me out of my trance and jump out of my skin, my eyes trained at the door

Two ladies entered the cell and they were extremely pretty and tall and also very much vampire, the red eyes made that much obvious

"We'll give you 10 seconds to explain, and then we decide what happens" The one with the blueish eyes blonde hair spoke in a firm tone

At least she wasn't killing me right now "I was given a task to deliver the package in the area, it was a sealed package, I don't know what was inside it and I was not allowed to look, I apologize for all the inconvenience that I have caused you and I will take any punishment that you decide to give me"

I spoke in a monotone voice just like I was taught to speak to the leader's of the North whenever I messed something up, which was a lot

"Woah woah, easy, we're just asking some questions" The other woman spoke, she had really long black hair and she looked at me like she could see right through my act

"We need honest answers to the questions that we are going to ask you" The blonde one spoke again, making me nod my head a little

"Do you like staying with the North leaders?" I shook my head "do they treat you nice?" The next question caught me off guard, why should they treat me nice? I was only a servant "they are not obligated to treat me nicely, they did p-provide a roof o-over my head" I answered softly, cursing at myself for stuttering in front of them

Both of their eyes seemed to soften after I spoke, "and what's your classification?" The black haired lady asked making me look away from both of them and stay quiet "I thought we agreed on no lies?" The blonde lady asked softly, she had bend down in front of me and I nodded a little, I did agree I would be honest with them

"I am u-um a l-little, I'm sorry I won't be a bother" I replied back my voice wavering and teary, if they were anything like the North leaders, by telling them I'm a little I almost made my death sentence final

"What are you talking about?" The green eyed one asked, her eyes clear with confusion and I was really lost at the moment "t-the North head said that l-little is a burden and um n-no one should be obligated to care for S-someone who can't even l-look after them selves"

The black haired lady bend down too and looked at me "I hate to say this to you little human, they lied to you, littles are a very natural part of the community and they are accepted and loved at least on our part of the countries" I nodded and let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"We're gonna get your out of this room and then we'll see what to do from there" The blonde hair lady spoke and she reached over her hand to touch my knee gently and a small wave of electricity went through my body making me jump a little

"Hold her hand" The blonde lady told the lady with black hair making me look at both of them with a confused look

The small wave of shock went through my body again when the black haired lady held my hand gently, out of Know where the blonde lady pulled me into a soft hug, I didn't feel any shock this time but my body clung on to hers like my life depended on it and I couldn't help but nuzzle into her

Opal POV

Out of all the places we thought we would find our mate, it happens to be the cell of our house, who would have thought

Vampires have mates and yes one person can have more than one mate, but the relationship with both the mates can be different or same it depends, the only thing that is known for sure is mates are meant to be for each other

"Let's take her up babe" Helen whispered into my ear, I nodded softly and stood up with the little one still in my arms, it was clear she didn't wanna let go and I had no intentions of letting her go yet

"N-no" She whimpered softly and clung on to me even tighter "shhh i'm not letting go, we're going to a more comfy place" I whispered into her ear, she calmed down a little

We both sped through the house in vampire speed and her hands clung on to my coat tighter, within 5 seconds we were in our bedroom and I sat down on my spot with Athena in my arms and rubbed her back gently

"I know you have lots of questions and you can ask us everything in a bit, just try and rest a little for now" I whispered into her ear and watched as she nodded softly and started to doze off in my arms

"W-we got her babe" Helen whispered into my ear and rubbed Athena's back gently

There we have it! Things are progressing, I apologize for the late update

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