chapter- 22

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This update is especially for Jona-Lea

Opal POV

The meeting was long but I am so glad it's over now, we walked into our bed room and without wasting any time Helen laying  Athena in the middle of the bed and climbed in next to her tucking our blankets close to her

"You wanna rest for a bit right babe?" I softly whispered and layed down in my spot snuggling into the blankets and close to Athena

"A nap does sound wonderful doesn't it?" Helen whispered softly making me smile and nod "speically if I get cuddles" I mumbled softly pulling althena close

"Come on babee, no cheating" Helen softly pouted making me shake my head "everything is fair, you know she's going to roll into your side in a few minutes anyway" I whispered making her nod

Me and Helen don't move a lot when we sleep, we don't sleep a lot to begin with but when we do it's typically very brief and we definitely don't take over all of the bed or spread out like a starfish like the little one does

"Fine you win, I just want to close my eyes for a few minutes" Helen mumbles softly, her arms coming over Athena all the way to me. It was almost like a three people burrito

"I love you" I whispered softly closing my eyes, almost instantly I felt a hand on my cheek making my open my eyes gently and look at Helen with a small smile "yes babe?" I whispered barely getting to finish before she leans over Athena and presses a soft but chaste kiss

"I love you more darling" She whispered softly and for those who assume that vampires don't blush, I would like to say that you're wrong because my cheeks were the same shade as a tomato now

"We're gonna be okay right?" Helen whispers after she pecks my nose gently and lays on her side "we're gonna be okay honey, we're together in everything" I re assured her softly, she's definitely the overthinker out of the both of us, but I feel like we balance each other out and make a perfect combination

"You wanna talk to her about breastfeeding after she wakes up?" I ask softly, I know she's been showing signs but I don't want to do anything without having a proper conversation or discussion about it "sure we can honey, judging by where she's nuzzled at the moment, she wants it just as much as we do if not more" Helen replies with a soft whisper beofte closing her eyes saying that she was done with the conversation

Athena POV

I nuzzled deeper into the comfy warm blanket that was wrapped around, but the blanket started to move making me let out a small whine and roll over in protest

"It's wakey time honey, you've slept for long" I heard momma whisper softly, rolling me back on my back and rubbing my head gently which made me open my eyes "momma" I pouted not happy with the fact I had to be woken up

"It's momma honey, how's my baby doing?" Momma smiled softly coming closer to kiss my nose and made me let out a small smile "there's my baby's pretty smile! I wondered where it went" Momma smiled softly booping my nose that made me giggle and smile big

Mama lifted up my shirt and blowed raspberries on my tummy that made me kick out my legs a little in protest because it tickles! "Mommmaaa nuuuuh" I whined trying to pull my shirt down but momma was a lot stronger and it was no use

I shifted a little to lay in a more comfortable position and felt the squishy pull up rub against me making me stop instantly and look at momma "hey, it's alright darling, lay back for me and I'll get you nice and dry in a second" Momma smiled softly and shifted me so I was laying near the edge of the bed

"Momma? Mama?" I asked looking around the room to see if I missed her, but I couldn't see mama "she's gone out for a quick errand she'll be back in a second while I get you dry and then we're gonna talk to you about something okay?" Momma whispers handing me Peter who I clutched close to my chest and nodded softly a little scared

"I been bad momma? Been little too much? I sowey" I whisper sitting up the moment momma finished pulling my shorts up and looked straight up at momma

"Hey, no angel, you've been absolutely perfect you hear me? Absolutely. Perfect." Momma cooed at me softly booping my nose with the last two words making me lunge forward and nuzzle into her "shhhh, it's nothing bad I promise my darling" Momma whispered making me nod softly

"Is that my little angel I hear?" I heard mama's voice say making me peek out of my hidey spot and look at mama "mama!" I smiled and reached out for her, making eager grabby hands

"Hi my little one" Mama cooed at me scooping me up and holding me close, rocking us slowly, I inhaled her scent nuzzling into mama's neck and sighing in content, mommies are the best

"So me and momma want to talk about something, is that okay sweet girl?" Mama whispered, making me nod and look up, "it otay" I smiled sitting up a little so I could look at both of them

And there we have it, this book is coming to an end shortly, only 2 more chapters to go.

There will be breastfeeding! So that's one thing to look forward to in the next chapters

Stay tuned for my next books to come!

And thank you for anyone who's read and commented on this book and for all the support I got

I'm adding this late, but if anyone here is from or near Coventry in England, please drop a message here or personal message me. Thank you


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