chapter 2

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Helen POV

Dinner was amazing, and what opal had planned after that was even better, we spend majority of the night at the stargazing room, pointing at various constellations and having some snacks

While we do need blood to survive, some human food actually tastes really good and nutrition wise it doesn't affect us much but it can most definitely be consumed

"Hi babe" I whispered softly watching my half naked wife barely open her eyes to look at me, a smile on her face "mmm hi love" She whispered softly

We don't actually 'Need' to sleep, but over the years we have noticed that if we sleep for a couple of hours in a day it greatly improves our recovery and speed and strength, letting us be on our best every day

"Ready to deal with the Stupidness of those North humans?" I asked softly running my hand through her blonde hair, they were so soft and fluffy, I absolutely love playing with them first thing in the morning

"It's not like we have a choice babe, let's see what all the commotion is about, I can't believe they were stupid enough to do this" Opal grumbled a little sitting up and pecking me gently

"You wanna shower first babe?" I asked softly, she loved taking cold showers, I was definitely more of a hot shower person, she would occasionally take a warm one with me, but she enjoyed her cold water and I enjoyed my hot ones

"Yes baby, give me 5 I'll be back" And the moment she finished the sentence she sped of the bed in vampire speed and within a second I heard the shower start

I did the liberty of taking out our clothes for the day, a pair of flair pants and vest plus a loong coat for opal, almost similar ones for me but a slightly shorter coat and straight cut pants

Within 3 minutes opal was done, vampire speed really does make things so easy to do "the water is all ready for you love, thank you for the clothes" She whispered in to my ear and pecked my cheek gently

I smiled and went to the bathroom in vampire speed and rushed the warm and comfy shower in less than 5 minutes

I got dressed and we both made our way to the office, all the work related things were in the ground floor and everything else in the house was off limits to most people

"Status update" I asked our head guard as we entered the office and he closed the door behind him, making us look up

"It's not good...  We did a background search and I honestly don't blame why she did what she did"

We both looked at him with a slightly intrigued look, it was not every day that our head guard protects people who tried to smuggle drugs into our main zone

"Her name is Athena Hayes, she is 18 years 2 months, but she looks to be about 16, her father owed the North head money, when he failed to return the amount the North heads killed both her father and mother and then took the girl as a repayment for the loan and has been using her ever since, this was about 5 years ago" He read off the file with venom in his voice, clearly disgusted by the actions of those people

"And her classification?" I asked, making him shake his head, it says she took the test when she was 16, but it never clarified what her classification is" He said in a small voice

"She spend the whole night curled up in the cell and begged us not to send her back to them, instead just kill her and get rid of her useless self" He added with a small huff

"What's up with you?" Opal asked him in a soft tone, he is never like this, clearly something is bothering him "she is so small and tiny and she is definitely not supposed to do dangerous things like this, everyone knows what happens if you cross the border for these kind of things, they send her here to get killed" He added with another sigh

"We'll look into it don't worry" Opal told him, making him nod and leave the room, now time to deal with this Athena Hayes

Athena POV

I knew what I was doing was stupid, but I had no idea just in how much of trouble I was in, till I was locked up in this room

You could might as well call it a prison cell, no windows, just a small lach which slides when they give me food and water in a steel cup and plate

They hadn't treated me badly per se, I just woke up in this room, water was given 3 times and one meal

They said the boss will be coming to meet me today, if they are anything like the North leaders I won't live to see the light of day, or tomorrow for that matter

But at this point, dying through their hands seems a hell of a lot better than going back to those cruel people who keep waiting for a chance to get me killed

I pulled the thin blanket the cell had and wrapped it around me as tight as I could, to give me at least some sense of safety and waited for what my faith held for me

No matter what happens, I'm gonna be happy as long as I don't get send back to those people....  Literally anything is better than that...

So the story is progressing!

Tell me how you guys are liking this, there is gonna be progress in terms of regression starting next chapter!

Thank you for all the lovely comments and votes


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