chapter 18

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Helen POV

It's safe to say we went as fast as we could and it still took us around 35 minutes to reach home, far too long for my liking

We could technically go faster, but it would have a bad affect on our body and we would need blood almost instantly, something that we both want to avoid for a little bit more to be done in front of Athena

She knows we drink it, just not in front of her, without wasting a single moment, we went straight to our room, I could hear her heart and it tugged me towards it

Within seconds we were both holding her closer, and by the way she nuzzled close to us, she felt it was us the moment we held her and she didn't seem like she wanted to let go anytime soon

Derek looked up from the stool he was sitting on and started to say something making me shake my head "we'll talk later, leave for now" I spoke softly as Opal lifted Athena holding her close to her chest

"Yes boss" He bowed to me before walking out in a flash, "mama, momma" I heard Athena mumble softly, still cuddled into Opal who had her in a bear hug

"Did she?" I whisper softly, looking at Opal to see her tear filled eyes staring right back at me and nodding softly

"Mama and momma are here sweetheart, we're right here" I whisper as I move closer to make it a group hug, pressing gentle kisses to Opal and Athena's head

"Are you okay honey? Are you hurt? Did you get any boo boos?" Opal went full on nurse mode, pulling away a little so she could look at the little one's face properly

And when she nodded softly I could feel my eyes turn red and I physically saw Opal's turn red "mama red" Athena whispered softly, her hands reaching out to touch Opal's eyes, but she held her hands before they could touch her and kissed her palm gently

"Sorry honey, momma and mama dont like that you got hurt" I whisper moving closer and closed my eyes to make sure they return to their natural colour again

"Is otay, red pwetty" She whispered again, flashing a small smile on her tear stained face, she's just so adorable I can't imagine why someone would want to hurt her

"Where's your ouchie bubba? Show momma" I cooed gently and rubbed her head gently trying to feel for any bumps or something, and sure enough there was a part of her scalp which was rough because someone tugged on her hair too hard and there was even some dried blood on there

Our poor baby was hurt, that definitely did not look comfortable "oh my sweet girl, shhh" I whispered softly as I heard her wince once I touched the bruise

"I'll get some cream, you wanna get the little one comfy on the bed babe?" I asked my wife who nodded softly and scooped her up, letting Athena rest her head on her chest gently

When I came back, Opal was now topless and sitting against the head board with Athena nuzzled close, I smiled softly as I moved closer to them, kissing the little one on her head I applied the cream gently before joining them both on the bed

"I think this is the littlest we have ever seen her" Opal cooed gently at Athena who definitely looked really young at the moment

"You think she wants a bottle babe?" I asked softly, rubbing my thumb up and down her cheek softly, her eyes staring at me intently

"I think she wants something else all together babe" I heard opal whisper as Athena snuggled further into her chest and tries to find her boobs to suck on I'm assuming

"You sure you're ready love" I asked her softly and she smiled rubbing Athena's back who seemed to have gotten a little frustrated since she couldn't have what she was looking for

"I was pumping before anyways babe, it's just more convenient this way" Opal smiled after she whispered to me  pressing a soft kiss to Athena's head and guiding her head towards her boobs

"Shhh, it's just like your baba angel" Opal cooed gently at her and I watched in amazement as she latched on sucking eagerly "is her latch good?" I asked softly tilting my head a little so I could have a better look at her

"She's got a decent latch, just need to fix it a tiny bit" She spoke softly, rubbing her thumb against Athena's bottom lip to get her to open up and pulling her head a little closer to her mouth so she could have a fuller and deeper latch around her nipple "that's better my sweet girl"

Opal was grazing down on Athena who seemed to be staring right back at her with the same level of love, I kissed both of their head's softly and adjusted the blankets around them so they were comfy and tucked Peter under Athena's other arm

Once Peter was tucked and the blankets were adjusted the only soung in the room was Athena's gentle sucks and her slow and calm breathing, and the sight in front of me was absolutely beautiful of my wife feeding our little girl

There we go!

Let me know how you feel about that and I hope you guys enjoying this chapter


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