chapter 9

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Athena POV

After I was changed into my night time clothes which was one of their t shirts and a diaper, true to her words, Helen was real quick with the change and after the massage that Opal gave me, I was sleepier than before

And I even got a stuffed bunny! I've never had my own stuffie before, the last stuff toy I remember was a brown teddy bear gifted to me when I turned 3, but all that went away once I was with the leaders

"You good sweetheart? Now you can either sleep with us Or in your room, it's essentially a guest room right now but the room right across from ours is going to be yours" Opal explained softly, I nodded but clung on to her once she sat down again

"Sleep wif you botf" I mumbled hesitantly, I didn't wanna be alone in a room all by myself, I had to stay alone in the cell room, but there were no doors or windows through which anyone could enter.... And I definitely did not want to be alone in a house full of vampires

"Of course you can little one" Helen coooed gently as she sat on the other side, moving some hair away from my face "now do you wanna watch a movie or go to sleep bubs?" Opal asked while she opened the blanket to cover half of my legs

"Uh mobie" I whispered again, smiling a little when I saw Helen smile at me "sure bug, I'm gonna get changed for bed real quick and you can choose a movie with Helen" I nodded and watched as she got up to go into the bathroom, and Helen switched on the TV making my attention go towards that

"What shall we watch hmm?" Helen asked softly, switching through a bunch of cartoon movies "stop stop!" I yelled out when I spotted the cars movie, bouncing a little on my spot

I saw a blur of something and Opal was right beside me again, she was so fast, I giggled softly and went to touch her shoulder wanting to make sure if she was actually there or not "what are you doing silly girl" Opal asked softly once she felt me poke her, taking my hand and kissing it gently "so fast" I mumbled softly after realizing she was there for real

"Little darling chose the cars movie, start watching with her I'll be back in a second" Helen whispered to Opal but it was loud enough that I could hear what she said, I felt her rub my head gently before she stood up and again all I saw was a blur go into the closet

"Would you like some warm milk before bed little one?" Opal asked making me nod fast, milky sounded really good right now

Opal POV

Watching both of them together, it's like my heart couldn't get enough of it, while Helen went to get changed Athena scooted Herself closer to me and snuggled slightly into me

I asked her if she wanted some milk before bed and her reaction was absolutely priceless, after her little meltdown on asking about diapers I was assuming this would go sideways as well but she seemed really eager and almost excited for it

I played the movie and snuggled with our little cuddle bug, Helen came back with a smile on her face sitting on her sidex with athena in the middle of us

"Can you get her a bottle babe? I asked if she wanted one before bed and she said yes" I whispered to her, I don't think I even needed to whisper because she was too engrossed in the movie already

"Sure babe" Helen whispered just as quiet, silently slipping out of bed and walking to the kitchen in vampire speed

We have a small area in the kitchen that is filled with little supplies for the kitchen, bottles, sippy cups, plastic plates and fork and spoons and bibs, all that stuff, and the same goes for the storage room, there are a few clothes, onesies and such, diapers, pull ups and pacifiers, a few stuff toys

That's where the stuff bunny came from, they are all new things so there's nothing to worry about, they are there simply to accommodate littles in our house and now that we got our own little I am really thankful that we do have these things

"Did we decide on a name for bunny?" I asked softly, touching the Bunny's ear gently, she's refused to let go of that thing ever since I handed it to her "this peter, me call him pete" She whispered softly, petting his head

"Why Peter?" I asked softly, pausing the movie since she was having a hard time switching to looking at me and at the movie "cause spidey mah favouite an he Peter!" She spoke with a big smile hugging Peter the bunny close

"That is absolutely correct little one! And Peter is a lovely name for a bunny" I smiled welcoming her into my arms as she cuddles in

"I heard someone likes spidey?" Helen entered the room, holding a red spider man bottle in her arms, Athena's eyes lit up as she spotted the bottle making eager grabby hands towards it

Helen chuckles quietly and slips into the bed, handing the bottle to the eager little girl, she wasted no time is putting it to her lips and sucking away happily

"Is that good little one?" I asked softly, helping her lay down in the middle where she looked up at me with those blue sleepy eyes and nodded a little "good girl drink up" Helen cooed softly

Her went really droopy after two minutes and she was struggling to hold the botte, wordlessly Helen took the bottle from her and held it as she finished it falling asleep almost 3/4 of the way through it, her chest rising and falling slowly, she's so precious

Here we go! Definitely a lot more little athena to see ahead!

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