Chapter 20

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Helen POV

Our little one was still scared...  The way her eyes kept going around and she was clutching on to Opals dress like she refused to go anywhere that wasn't within our eye sight

"You all good little love?" I whispered to athena softly gently rubbing my hand over her arm and she smiled softly going back to munching her grapes

"We need to have a council meeting today babe, to figure out what happens with the humans and now that we have a bigger area to take care of" Opal softly whispers to me making me no my head but my eyes still trained on my little one

"We're not leaving her alone" I whisper back just as quiet and reach out my hand to hold Athena's, I don't know about her, but I'm not ready to have her out of my sight yet

"Of course not babe, she's gonna be right there with us" Opal smiled back at me I could see her hands instinctively getting tighter around Athena holding her close

"We got her love, she's okay" Opal softly whispers to me, making me smile and nod my head standing up and kissing both of their heads

"Momma" She whispers seeing me stand, she's just so tiny and little my little one "shhh momma's here" I cooed softly and scooped her up letting her snuggle into my neck which seemed to be her favorite spot

"Come little love, we've got some work to do today and guess what?" I smiled softly looking down at her and kissing her head "wha momma?" She whispered looking up at me with those big doe innocent eyes "you're gonna be mommies little helper today angel" Opal spoke rubbing her head from behind and kissing it

"Mommies hwlper!" She screeched happily, well that went better than I expected, she's just so adorable I swear

"That's right baby girl, you get to be our helpers today, it's a super super important job, you think you're ready?" Opal asked softly making her turn to look at her tilting her head to one side like a puppy does "I r'eady!" She smiled scrunching up her nose once Opal kissed it

"Come babe, let's get going" I took Opals hand the other one holding Athena close to me and we walked out of the dinning hall towards the conference room "now there might be many people inside, but no one's going to hurt you and they're all nice I promise, just stay close to mama and I okay?" I looked down at Athena making sure she understood to be near us

"Stay near mama an momma" She whispered to herself nodding quietly "good girl" I kissed her head again letting go of Opals hand so she could open the door and greet everyone

Athena POV

Mama and momma had some really important work they had to discuss with the people but! I was going to be the helper, I don't know what a helper does but I get to stay with momma and mama!

"Now I have a really important task for you sweetheart" Mama whispers into my ear making me turn to look at her with hopeful eyes

"So me and momma are going to do some talk with the people who are sitting on the table, but I'm gonna give you a stack of letters and stamp and each letter needs to get one stamp okay love?  Don't worry mama will show you how to do it" Mama says softly making me bounce excitedly in momma's arms and nod

"I do stamp!" I smile reaching out for mama wanting my letters and stamp "come here little love" Mama whispers lifting me into her arms and holding me close for a second before walking over to a desk like place

"Here we go" Mama whispers into my ear picking up a stack of letters and stamp and the ink pad making me bounce excitedly in her arms

"You wanna sit with me Or momma bany?" Mama asks softly, setting the things on the big table and making me point towards momma shyly, I hear mama chuckle softly before setting me on momma's lap and kissing my head

"You take the stamp, press once on ink and then on the letter, on the left side of the letter okay baba?" Mama explains making me nod and watch carefully as mama does it, it looks so much fun!!

Being mommies helper is the best thing ever! I swayed a little from side to side, focused on making sure each stamp was neat and dark like mama's

The first few ones weren't too dark but I just had to press harder on them and then it worked! I felt momma kiss my head a few times making me lean back into her and snuggle sleepily, this was nice I like being helper!!

I apologize for not Updating for such a long time, I moved to a new country for my higher education and it's been really hard on me

I've been homesick and sick and adjusting to new everything....  So thank you for your patience and to everyone who's still reading this book

Thank you for each and every Vote and comment


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