chapter - 23

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Athena POV

Mama and momma wanted to talk about something important, even though momma said that it was nothing bad I still couldn't help but let my mind wander off to anything that I could have done that would be considered bad

The more I thought about it the harder it got to breathe and I was nuzzling deeper to mama to make it stop "hey hey, angel, deep breaths" Mama whispered in my ear and I felt mama's own chest go up and down in a slow motion

I followed mama's breathing and the whispers turned into proper voices and I could hear mama and momma again, without feeling like the world was getting smaller

"Can you look up for a second sweet girl? I promise it's nothing bad" Momma whispered softly making me nod softly and look up at momma "good girl thank you" Mama kissed my head gently and swayed us

"You know how some babies feed from their mommies?" Mama asks me softly making me nod hesitantly, some babies do that when they are little and I don't mind much about it but I have only ever seen it once when I was really really young and I saw my cousin sister being breastfed by my aunt

"That's good honey, do you know some littles do that as well?" Momma added softly making me let out a tiny gasp and look at both of them in disbelief, that was really possible?

"That's what we wanted to talk about darling, we've noticed for a few days that you keep tugging and sucking near our boobs when you sleep, is that something you are interested in sweetheart?" Momma asked softly making me tuck my head back into mama's neck my face as red as a tomato

I didn't even  know that I was doing that in my sleep! Are they mad at me? Is that why they want to talk? "I-I really sorry, no mean to do it" I stuttered out, cursing at myself halfway for not even being able to talk properly

Opal POV

Poor thing is getting so worked up even after we tried to keep her calm for so long "hey bubba, it's okay. Listen to me, it's okay if you want it" I spoke in a firm tone holding her closer

I want her to know how much she means to me, that she doesn't need to be scared anymore of wanting or needing things, she's our mate and we would do anything to keep her safe, absolutely anything

"I-I try? Please" She squeaked out, and if it wasn't for the vampire hearing I'm not even sure we would have been able to hear her at all

It hurts me soo much to see her so nervous and scared.... She's our mate she deserves to be happy and safe and feel all the love in the world that we have for her

"Such a brave girl you are darling, thank you so much" Helen cooed softly kissing her head from behind making me smile softly, she's such a softie.

"Momma's gonna start to nurse you for the beginning and then we'll go from there okay? At any point if you don't like it or want something to change you let one of us know" I softly whispered to her making sure she was looking at me and understood the seriousness of it

I felt her nod softly before going back to hiding in my neck "oh honey bee, don't get all shy on mama now" I chuckled softly patting her back

"What do you think little one?" Helen asked her poking her stomach gently making Athena pout and turn towards her "wan momma milky" She whispered extending her arms towards Helen who happily scooped her up

"You sure bug?" Helen whispered kissing Athena's head, but I could feel the slight hesitance behind her tone, "uh huh wan momma milky pwewse" She whispered peeking out from Helen's neck and pouting

In response Helen kissed her forehead softly a small smile on her lips and I knew that she's more than happy with the little one's choice to nurse, she's been wanting that for a while herself

"So how about a movie and then some snacks bubba?" I asked softly, at the mention of movie her head popped up and an eager nod and basically bouncing in Helen's arms

"Mobie mama! Mobie" She smiled happily her eyes going to the chew necklace that Helen had put on a few minutes ago "momma" She muttered out absentminded her hands toying with the silicone toy

"It's a chew toy darling, you can put it in your mouth, wanna try sweet girl?" Helen cooed softly, taking the toy and bringing it near her mouth

Almost instantly she started to chew on the toy a happy humm leaving her mouth and a small chuckle left Helen's lips "sounds like you're enjoying baby" She smiled softly her hand coming to cup the back of Athena's head

"Let's get to that movie darling, maybe you can try nursing tonight?" I spoke softly the last part only meant for one set of ears

"Maybe darling, we'll see what she's feeling up to" Helen replied making me nod and open the doors to the movie hall

"P'ocorn mama? Pwessee" My little one looked at me with the biggest pouty lips and puppy eyes I've seen as soon as she realized we were in the movie room

I chuckled softly and nodded "get comfy with momma I'll get some" I smiled and went to the kitchen in a flash

There we have it! The next chapter will start nursing! I hope you all look forward to that as much as I do!

Again thank you for reading my book.


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