chapter 19

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For any confusion
Opal - mama
Helen - momma

Athena POV

I woke up in mama and momma's bed and it is way way comfier to sleep here, maybe cause it's with them or maybe they have a special bed

"Mmmh" I whimpered softly, trying to cuddle back into my comfy spot that I had woken up from, and getting frustrated that I couldn't find it

"Shhhhh, it's okay" I heard a whisper and in my semi asleep state I was pulled into a comfy set of arms and nuzzle in, making me warm and cozy again and doze off for a little while longer

The next time I woke up, I was alone in the bed, which did not make me happy at all, where was everyone? "Hey sleepy" I jumped in surprise when I heard mama say coming out of the bathroom

"I didn't mean to scare you angel, are you okay?" Mama whispered to me softly, coming closer and sitting next to me making me climb on her lap

"Is otay" I whispered back, cuddling into her chest laying my head right above her heart so I could hear mama's heart beat "still sleepy little one?" I heard momma's voice say, making me barely open my eyes and look at momma who was sitting next to mama now, fully dressed and ready

"Uh huh, momma" I nodded a little and reached my arms out to be lifted, I wanted snuggles from momma too, and I cuddled a lot with mama last night I don't want momma to feel left out

"Yea? That's okay sweet girl" I heard momma whisper into my ear and rock both of us gently once I was settled in her arms with my head on her shoulder

"Is your tummy feeling up to some food bug?" Mama asked me softly making me nod eagerly, I was hunger! "I felt momma pat my back and my bottom softly and her hand felt the same heaviness that I did once she patted my bottom making me hide into her neck shyly

"It's okay angel, let's get you changed real quick" I nodded and kept my eyes closed as I felt momma lay me down and gently start to take off my shorts and quickly change me into another pull up

"See that wasn't so bad was it bug?" Momma asked once she finished her hand rubbing my tummy gently which felt really good "nuh huh" I nodded happy that it didn't take too long

"Now let's get some food in that tummy of yours" Mama said softly rubbing my head and momma picked me up, and slowly walked to the dinning hall, I wanted to go zommies but my head still hurt from yesterday

Opal POV

We walked slightly slower than usual to make sure that Athena was okay and not uncomfortable in any way

The wound on her head was still a little raw and swollen so both of us tried our best not to touch it any more than necessary

"What are you in mood for bubs?" I heard Helen ask her before sitting down on our usual seats and pulling Athena close, she reciprocated happily and sat contently watching as the table was set

"Little boss" Derek spoke from behind us making little little one jump a little but turn around to look at him with a big smile on her face, we had heard him come closer thanks to our vampire hearing

"D'erk!" She smiled happily waving at him, and I could physically see any sort of doubt or uncertainty that he had in him wash away and he smiled back at her "the one and only" He spoke softly and went to sit in his usual seat giving Athena a little wink which made her giggle

"Let's start breakfast shall we? There's some important things we need to discuss once it's done, I want everyone to gather in the main hall sharp at 11" I spoke softly making sure that they understand it is a mandatory event and I need to adress what happened yesterday

"Eat up baby" I turned to look at my girls and gave them both a smile before starting to eat, things are about to start changing around here

And there we go!

There may not be an update next week as I'm starting classes again, but I'll try my best to keep writing and update as often as I can

That being said I think we only have a couple more chapters remaining in this book before starting something new

Hope you all stay and enjoy the end


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