chapter 15

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Athena POV

I was a little scared to be with derek and spence, he was a lot taller than me, but really shy and gentle, when I said no to playing cars he didn't get mad but pulled out some leggos instead that we both enjoyed

And true to his words derek hadn't left me alone, although with Spencer was not alone but it still felt good to have a big person near incase anything happened

"How old is you?" Spence asked softly as he continued, I tilted my head as I looked at him "me 3" I whispered softly continuing to build the bridge

"I'm 5!" He said happily smiling proudly and made his side of the bridge, I nodded softly, it wasn't as bad as I thought but I still really missed Helen and Opal.... They were my safe space

"Maister dwrek? Go back now?" I looked at him where he was still sitting a little away from us keeping an eye on us, we finished building the bridge and I had a little accident while we were playing.... And I just wanted to go back to them

"I don't think they're done yet sweetheart, you wanna read a book? Play with something else?" He got up from his seat and crouched down in front of me, I shook my head at him and tears came into my eyes without warning

"Nuh huh, go bawck pwease" I whispered softly, sniffling a little trying not to fully cry, I was wet and cranky and I just wanted my mates, no one else

"Daddy you made her cry!" Spencer yelled at Derek and I could see him glaring at Derek "I can see that buddy, I didn't mean to make her upset, come let's go to your mommy and get this little one back to her mates"

I didn't say anything just held on to Derek's hand tightly as the three of us walked back to the big room, I was holding one of his hand's and Spencer was holding the other

"Now remember spence inside voices they might be discussing something important" I faintly heard Derek whisper to Spencer before he opened the door and the moment I spotted Helen and Opal still sitting on the same chair as before at the head of the table

I let go of his hand and ran towards them, literally throwing myself at Opal since she was the one who was closest to the door to run to, she easily caught me her eyes slightly wide and lifted me up setting me on her lap chest to chest, making me nuzzle in her neck my hand absentmindedly reaching out to Helen who held and kissed it

Opal POV

We were almost done with the meeting, just discussing a few final things when the door opened softly and Derek peeked his head into the room, he looked at us and gave a small nod, a silent permission to enter the room

I nodded back, letting him know it was okay, it had been about an hour since he had taken Athena to play as I am. Definitely surprised she lasted this long

Before he could say anything or I could ask him about how everything was, as soon as the three of them entered the room Athena ran straight for me since I happened to be the closest and flung herself on to me

I scooped her up with ease, setting her on my lap and letting her rest her head on my chest, my hand going up and down her back to soothe her, I could clearly feel the anxiety radiating off of her

I kissed the side of her head and looked up at Derek, silently asking him what had happened, and I saw spencer let go of his hand as soon as he saw me pick up Athena and make a bee line for his mommy who also lifted him up and sat him on her lap, whispering something to each other's ears

"She was playing with spence, but I guess after a while she started to miss you both and got a little overwhelmed with the separation so I bought her back, I apologize if I disturbed something important" Derek spoke softly, moving to sit on the chair beside his wife, after he gave me a small bow

"It's okay Derek, if it concerns her you can always come to us no matter where we are" Helen spoke softly and turned her attention to Athena who was cuddled into my chest and moved some hair away from her face to look at her properly

"How about after we finish up here, the three of us can go and explore the garden hmm?" She asked softly and smiled even more when Athena nodded excitedly "es pwesse" She whispered back and sat comfortably against my chest nuzzling into my neck every now and then

She's so adorable, I believe the three of us are having a little bit of separation anxiety, but I don't blame her, from what all she's been through, I would wanna stay in a place that doesn't hurt me and makes me feel safe as well, I wrapped my arms around her gently and held her close, and started to speak again, trying to finish off the meeting as soon as I could

And here we go, so the next chapter is going to be the attack on the North head which is gonna be a little drama!

So stay tuned for next week and thank you everyone for all the lovely comments and I hope you guys continue to read this book


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