chapter 12

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Opal POV

I woke up to athena laying half on top of me and half on the bed, Peter was somehow still in her grasp and she settled on using her thumb as a paci

I looked to the other side to see helen already awake and staring at the mark on the wall, her hand gently draped over Athena

"Morning babe" I whispered softly trying not to wake the little one asleep between us, her head turned to look at me, she gave a small smile but it didn't reach her eyes

"Morning love, we got a busy day yeah?" She whispered softly, moving her hand to move some of Athena's hair away from her face "we really need to get her a paci" She whispered softly trying to gently pull her thumb away

"We do have a busy day babe,  I wanna kill those fuckers who decided to scare our mate" I mumbled softly

Once Helen had managed to successfully pull Athena's thumb out she whined from the movement and tried to curl up further into me fussing around for a bit

"I swear babe if you wake her up"  I whispered to Helen, rubbing my hand up and down her back to settle her down and remain asleep "her thumb is unsanitary" Helen whispered in her defence making me raise my eyebrow at her

"It's not more important than her sleep right now" I whispered, sighing softly when she put her thumb in her mouth again and letting out a small sigh of content as she remained asleep

From the corner of my eye I saw Helen reach for her phone and check something on it, her eyes getting cold as she furiously typed something

"Everything okay baby?" I asked softly, tugging the blanket further up Athena's shoulder who was now fully on top of me, not that I minded, after last night I want her close to me for as much and as long as I can

"The guys from last night, they were indeed sent by the North head's, our members interrogated them and the only purpose of the mission was to get Athena  back" She whispered, anger and fury evident in her tone, they decided to mess with the wrong person

"I guess it's time we re talk the peace treaty baby, they were the one who broke it first when they attacked us and they didn't just attack anyone they chose to attack our mate, they need to know what a big mistake that was" I spoke in a soft tone, trying to not let my anger get the best of me and subconsciously held Athena closer

After laying peacefully for around half an hour Athena started to move in my arms, shuffling around to face the other side, her thumb coming out of her mouth and her fist raised to rub her eyes "hi sleepy head" Helen whispered softly as her head was turned towards her and moving to tuck some hair away from her forehead

She didn't speak anything just nodded a little and held on to my top gently "good morning baby" I whispered softly leaning down to kiss her head

Athena POV

I woke up but I didn't really feel rested at all and all I wanted to do was stay curled up with Helen and Opal and not move, but it seemed like they had other plans because after cuddling for a little bit I felt Opal stir and sit up, making me sit up as well

I involuntarily let out a whine and turned to hide my face into her neck not happy at all that I had been moved from my comfy place "shhhh I know baby, but we do need to get up we've been cuddling for an hour it's time to get some breaky okay?" Opal cooed in my ear softly and although I didn't wanna agree I nodded softly

"That's our brave girl, now I'm gonna shower first and you can go with Helen and choose a outfit and some bath toys okay and we'll go for breakfast together" She whispered in the same soft tone and kissed my head gently, I simply nodded again not feeling very vocal this morning

Soon I felt myself being shifted from her arms to a pair of equally strong hands which I knew was Helen and I latched on instantly curling myself in her arms just like I had with Opal and nuzzling into her neck

"Come on my little love we're gonna find a pretty outfit for you andddd you can choose 3 things for your bath okay?" I nodded my hand coming to play with her hair that was untied and it was so so soft like velvet, I lifted up my head from her neck excited that I get to choose toys for my bath

"No matter what we'll keep you safe baby" I heard Helen whisper softly as she set me on a chair in the hallway and opened a cupboard pulling out a box of what looked like brand new bath toys since they were still packed and set it down

"You can take any three for today baby girl and we can choose different ones next time" Helen bought the box closer to me and I smiled starting to dig through it, there were so many options to choose from

And there we have it! There's a little bit of drama coming but lots and lots of fluff too!

The title had been changed successfully!!

Thank you for all your love and support in this book


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