chapter 17

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Opal POV

The attack was going as good as it could given the circumstances, we had come and given then a choice they could either peacefully join our side or we can destroy them and take over anyway

Some of the humans were smart who came to our side as soon as they realized we weren't kidding and it would only be a matter of time till we take over them

One by one we cleared off each room and found most of the higher up people hiding at the very corner room, little cowards didn't even have enough guts to face us head on

While me and Helen were busy questioning the higher ups as to where the boss was, we had now looked over all of the property but the head was no where to be found

Diana came rushing into the room, making me raise my eyebrows at her, she was in change of keeping the cars and weapons safe and we had told everyone not to disturb us unless it was really important

"What is it" Helen spoke in a cold voice, clearly not impressed at being disturbed "Derek called from the main house, there was an attack" She spoke, her eyes wide and shaken, clearly something went down while we were away, Athena....

"What happened?" I asked moving to leave the higher ups and glanced to see that Helen had already began packing up "the um North head tried to take the little boss while we were here" She whispered but it was loud enough for me and Helen to hear.... Too loud

Someone attacked our baby while we weren't there to protect her...  Two times in less than a month "Is she hurt?" I spoke and I could tell that my eyes had turned red "Derek didn't say that, but she is safe and in your room and she wants you both..." She spoke and that's all Helen needed to hear before she stormed out of the room in vampire speed

"Thank you Diana, make sure everyone who needs to be questioned are bought back to the main house and the rest are either released or given the choice to join us" I spoke in a rushed tone running out to catch up with my wife who was indeed running at max speed towards our house

The thing was even with our super speed it's gonna take us at least an hour to reach home and my mind just can't take the image of my little mate being attacked by someone who she's scared of in our house and possibly getting hurt

I can't even begin to imagine how she feels like at the moment and it really really hurts when you can't be there for your mate knowing that they need you

"Are you sure we can't go any faster?" Helen spoke her eyes meeting mine and I shook my head slightly "you know we can't babe, just a little longer we'll be there" I silently re assured her, not sure if I was re assuring myself or her more

Athena POV

I just wanted my mama and momma and no one else, it seemed like Derek didn't understand that because even after telling him multiple times to leave the room he stayed seated on the stool

That just frustrated me further, I am upset and sad and scared and no one seemes to want to listen to me! That's not fair at all "I wan you to leaves!" I yelled out sitting up in my bed and looking at him with tears still streaming down my face

I tried to stop crying multiple times but it was no use, every time I remotely stopped more always seemed to flow down "kid, I understand you're upset but I can't leave you alone at the moment okay?" Derek spoke softly, the fact that he was so gentle and kind to me made me burst into a fresh set of tears

"I'm sure they'll be here any moment now" He spoke softly, making me nod a little and hiccup as I try to stop my tears

"You want some water kiddo? Anything else I can get you?" He asked softly, after it had been a little while and I still hadn't stopped crying "Peter an baba" I spoke softly

He got lost during the struggle in the blankets and I really really wanted him, and my throat hurt from crying so much

"One second kiddo" he said and within five seconds another member was there with my spider man bottle filled with water

I watched with watery eyes as Derek handed me my bottle and started to shuffle around the blankets looking for Peter "there he is! He was just playing hide and seek wasn't he?" Derek said in a high pitched voice making me nod and make eager grabby hands toward Peter wanting to hold him

I clutched Peter close to my chest and then I heard banging of the door frown downstairs with even made Derek sit up straighter, I guess it must be louder for him

And then I blinked and then I was wrapped up in soft and comfortable arms inhaling the scent of my mates which almost instantly calmed me down

My mama and momma were here, they came back

There we go! Next chapter is going to be a lot of fluff

I once again want to thank each and everyone who helped me out regarding my last authors note

Thank you for reading my story and loving it


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