chapter 8

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Today is a special update for my baby, it's her birthday so this chapter is dedicated to her, Happy Birthday baby girl, I love you Jona-Lea

Athena POV

Helen explained to me all the different types of food that she bought up, and there was Mac and cheese too! I pointed towards Mac and cheese and chicken fingers which were like chicken nuggies but longer? And Opal really liked them

"Open up love" Helen whispered into my ear making me open up and she used the small blue plastic spoon to scoop up small amounts of Mac and cheese and fed me

"Yum yum!" I squealed and ate up happily clapping my hands and smiling "eat your chicken bubs" Opal spoke Softly pointing to the chicken fingers on my plate, I picked one up and bit into it hesitantly making me smile, it was really yummy

After a few more bites of my Mac and cheese and finishing two of my chicken fingers I was full and content, I sank back into Helen's chest and layed happily

"Give her here babe, finish up eating" Opal spoke up, looking at me with both her arms outstretched, I leaned towards her making her lift me up from under my arms and hold me close, I was sitting on her lap my chest to her chest and arms around her neck with my legs on either side of her waist

"Did you enjoy din din bubba?" Opal whispered into my ear making me nod and nuzzle a little into her neck getting comfy, I loved how they always spoke to me in such a soft voice it never spooked me or scared me

"After Helen is done with her food, we can get ready for bed and then we can cuddle or watch a movie, oh and we have something for you little bug" I perked up a little at the mention of them giving me something and nodded eagerly

"Such a cutie pie" Opal cooed at me, I blushed and hid into her neck again getting shy all of a sudden

"Shhh it's okay baby girl, you are our cute little baby" Helen whispered and I felt her kiss the back of my head softly before I heard the clattering of plates, I think she was cleaning up

I turned out and Helen had already returned and all the plates and utensils were gone "woah" I spoke softly amazed at how fast she was "pretty cool isn't she?" Opal whispered into my ear making me nod

"What do you wanna wear to sleep little bug?" Helen asks sitting down besides us making me tilt my head in confusion, I had nothing else to wear other than what I had on me

She saw the confusion on my face and chuckled softly "you can wear something of ours tonight my love, we'll buy more clothes for you tomorrow" I nodded softly, I liked the idea of wearing something of them

"About the other thing that Opal asked you sweets, would you prefer a diaper or a pull up? I promise we won't look and it's absolutely okay whatever you choose" I hid into Opal's chest blushing furiously, I usually only wore pull ups because diapers were so hard to put on, on your own and the one time I thought I did it right it was loose and the bed got wet, also pull ups were cheaper so that's what I got anyways but I woke up more times than not really really full

Helen POV

She cuddled into Opal and seemed to think about her options carefully before peeking out a little and whispering "me wan diaper but uh Hwelp?"

Her face was slightly red probably from embarrassment, but I am so so proud of her for trusting us and asking for help, I smiled at her softly which seemed to ease her up a little

"Of course we'll help bug, thank you for being honest and telling us" Opal cooed at her softly, she blushed again and smiled softly

"I'm gonna get something for you to change into and also some cleaning supplies, you cuddle up with Opal sweetheart" I whispered and went to our closet to look for something that would fit her

I settled for one of my soft t shirts it was a baby blue colour and had elephants on the front, and she would just look so so cute in it, sadly I couldn't find anything that would fit her for pants, but the t shirt was long enough to cover her thighs so it should be okay

I also grabbed her a diaper and some wipes and moisturizer from the drawer and made my way back into the room "alright bug I got your clothes and changing supplies, but can you close your eyes real quick we got a little present for you"

She closed her eyes with her hands and nodded, Opal reached behind her side table and took out the small stuffed rabbit that we got her, it was a pale brown stuffie with pink ears and it was absolutely adorable

"We thought you might want a friend around, so he can keep you company" Opal spoke softly and handed her rabbit, she squealed happily and hugged him close "me luv him, fank yous!" She gave a really big smile, the biggest I've ever seen from her and held him close

"You can keep cuddling your bunny sweet girl, can you lay back for us?" I spoke softly and watched as she hesitantly nodded but layed back with bunny tucked her her arms

"It's gonna be quick I promise little angel, we're gonna change your clothes and put a diapy on you and get you all ready for bed yea?" I cooed softly and Opal got to removing her clothes gently before lathering her up in lotion and giving her a little massage

She was still in her underwear and t shirt, "I'm gonna change you now okay darling" I whispered

After she nodded in confirmation I gently took off her underwear and gave her a quick wipe before taping the diaper snuggly on her waist and slipping my t shirt over her head, she looked absolutely adorable

"Such a cute baby" I bend down and rubbed my nose against hers and pecked her nose gently once I was done, you could barely see the diaper under the t shirt and the shirt basically drowned her making her look even smaller than before

Here we go! Things are moving forward

Hope you all liked this, let me know in the comments what you want to see next


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