chapter 5

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Opal POV

The talk with Athena went better than I expected, she clung close to Helen and wanted to hold my hand as well, I know what she was going through we both did

Her body and soul felt the connection with us and wanted to be as close as possible for as long as she can, even when she is not little she's so cute and tiny and adorable I really can't wait to see her when she's feeling tiny

"So now that we got all the talk done angel, how about some food?" I asked softly, rubbing her back gently from where she was snuggled against Helen

"Yum yum?" She asked softly, the tone of her voice completely different than what it was before, she was definitely close to being little if not fully

"That's right my little love, you wanna come with me and Helen and get some yummy food?" I cooed softly trying to hold myself back from scooping her up and never letting her go

"Uh huh! We go zoom zoom again?" She asked softly, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout as she looked at me with those big puppy dog eyes, I guess she was taking about me walking in vampire speed when I bought her back from the cell

"Sure sweetheart we can go zoom, but you gotta promise you need to hold on tight okay?" I asked booping her nose gently making her scrunch it up adorably and squeal in delight

She sat up on the bed and made eager grabby hands towards me, I smiled and happily scooped her up, finally getting to hold her since she's been cuddled up with Helen ever since her nap

When she nuzzled into my neck softly, her nose rubbing into my shoulder gently, I saw her extending her arm towards Helen, whining a little when she realised she couldn't reach her "babe she wants your hand"

I whispered to Helen who without a doubt heard Athena's whine as she was up and near us in a second with her hand safely tucked with Athena's

"I'm coming too angel, don't worry" Helen cooed softly, kissing her knuckles and rubbing her thumb over them, the action seemed to do wonders on her as she calmed down instantly

"Let's get some food in that little tummy of yours little one" I whispered into her ear before taking us both down to the living room in vampire speed, Helen right behind us

Athena POV

I was content nuzzling my head into opal's neck and breathing in her scent, it was so calming and sweet, just like Helen's

It was like my body was reacting to being near them without even wanting my consent, it was so fun going to the dinning hall in zoomies speed, like I blinked and we were already downstairs! How cool is that

"What are you hungry for sweet girl?" Helen asks me ruffling my hair a little and walking towards the other end of the room where the was like a small kitchen and bar stools

"Nah! Stay stay!" I whined without processing what I was saying my eyes tearing up watching Helen make her way towards the other end of the room so far away from me

Within a second she was back near us again, her hand cupping my face and I leaned into her warmth "shhh bug, just gonna get you some yummies I'm not going anywhere, you can stay right here and watch me okay?" She whispered softly making me nod

"M'not little" I pouted softly as Helen made her way into the kitchen and me and opal sat down on one of the stools, well Opal sat down and I sat on her lap

"Comfy there sweets? You're little compared to us baby girl" Opal cooed at me rubbing her nose against mine and pressing a soft kiss to it, for some reason it made me squeal out in delight and hug her happily

"Are pancakes okay Dove?" Helen asked me, making me look towards her and nod my head excitedly, waffles are my favorite but pancakes are really yummy too with the white stuff on the top

"And here we have two pancakes only for my little angel" Helen set down the plate in front of us, they were already pre cut and there was a big dolup of the white stuff and the brown syrup too!

"And what about me?" Opal asked Helen making her chuckle "I share?" I offered softly, not wanting them to get into an argument "I'll make Opal some more bug" Helen said before turning towards the stove again "thank you for offering to share though angel" Opal whispered into my ear wrapping her arms around my waist and giving it a little squeeze

"Let me cut those up for you sweets" Opal took the knife before I could grab it and cut them up into even smaller pieces  and let me pick up the green plastic fork that Helen had left for me

I didn't need to be told twice, it has been so long since I had pancakes I dug in and enjoyed every second of it, they were just the perfect consistency and so so good

I swung my legs back and forth aimlessly sitting on Opal's lap eating my yummy pancakes "can I have a bite doll? Are they yummy?" Helen sat on a chair beside me making me nod and hold up a piece up to her

"You are right! These are indeed really yummy, look even Opal is enjoying them" Besides my plate was Opal's plate and she was almost done with them

"What's she doing out of her cell?" A loud male voice spoke making me jump a little letting go of my fork and turn my head towards where the voice was coming from

Hi guys! I'm really really sorry for the lack of updates, but my exams are finally over! And we have a double update today! So I hope you all enjoy that and updates will definitely be more regular now

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