Epilogue (25)

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Athena POV

To say that life has changed would be an understatement. It's going to be almost an year since I've been staying with momma and mama and it's amazing!

I haven't gotten around to seeing the whole mansion yet, basement is still out of limit and I am not allowed to go there under any circumstances.

Now that momma and mama are the rules of the whole continent they have even more responsibilities. But now that the North team doesn't exist the threat of attack has died down and no more silly fights break out at the border

There is still a border, between the human and the vampire section, but there is free entry and exit from each section. This has definitely increased a lot of tourist attractions as well as attention to my mommies.

"Bubba come on we're going to be late" Momma called out entering my room like a flash of light making me giggle and put down Peter "can we zoomies?" I asked with a smile, out of everything traveling in vampire speed was one of my favorite thing to do! It did make me dizzy sometimes but it is so so worth it

"Only if you promise you'll tell me to stop of you feel dizzy baby" Momma says swiftly scooped me up and like lighting within a second we were in the main hall. Oh I didn't mention! Today is my ceremony! I am officially being given the title of another boss of the house (baby boss) but I'll be in the same position as mama and momma which is like super cool!

"Anddd here we are" momma smiles setting me on mama's lap and I snuggled deep into her wanting to get away from all the attention that was on me. They were all looking at me "we can't have the guest of honour hide can we? They're all here for you angel" Mama whispered into my ear making me nod and turn around to face everyone.

Mama was right! The room was filled with all the people that I was really close with. At the front of the room were Derek and Spencer and it looked like Spencer was feeling big today as he was dresses smartly like everyone else in a nice suit Or a dress.

Next to them were my grandparents, they aren't really my grandparents but they are the oldest members of the vampire society so that kinda makes them mama and momma's parents so my grandparents and they're here to imitate the ceremony.

"Oma! Opa!" I squealed happily, it has been a while since I have met either of them and I missed them lots. Just like mama and momma they're super fast and super strong. I felt Oma scoop me up and I hugged back tight, really having missed them a lot.

"How's the little miss feeling today hmm? All ready to get to boss around people?" Oma whispered softly walking slowly closer to Opa making me nod. Everyone here loves and listens to me anyways regardless of my title cause they know who I am, but today's ceremony will officially declared me as both of thier mates and the head of the house which is exciting and terrifying at the same time.

"How's my favorite grandchild?" Opa asks me with his funny accent and boops my nose making me scrunch it up "I'm the only child Opa!" I giggled back squirming in Oma's arms to poke opa's nose but I couldn't as he was too tall.

Helen POV

I watched with pride and adoration in my eyes as the ceremony finished and our darling wad officially given the title. If the smile on her face was an indication she was enjoying the moment and so was everyone else in the room.

Me and Opal hug her tight as she comes down from the stairs, our hands intervened with Athena in the middle as we walk down the hallway, everyone looking at us with respect and adoration and both my girls are right here with me.

It took some like, well more like a really really long time, but I never expected to find my missing piece inside a human, but I did and I can say from both of us thag we have never been happier. She completes US. She's what we needed all along.

We got our life, and she got hers


And here we have it guys, this brings this story to and end. It has been an amazing journey. It was rough and hard at times and I have made my readers wait for an update more than once. I apologize for that.

To anyone who's stuck around till the very end, I am immensely thankful for all your love and support. It means the absolute world to me.

With this I will be taking a break from writing, I have some ideas planned for future books but I am not sure if my updates will be able to be consistent or not.

Would you guys be willing be willing to read new stories even if updates aren't consistent or is that a no go at all? Let me know your opinion.

Till then I will try my hardest to get my schedule back together and focus on pre writing chapters.

As always for the last time in this book, vote and comment if you liked it, I appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to vote and comment and check up on me. Stay safe, stay healthy guys.


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