chapter 4

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Athena POV

The last thing I remembered before I passed out from exhaustion was the blonde lady holding me and the black haired lady asking me to sleep

I was very comfortable in the arms of the blonde lady and the stress and nervousness from the morning had made me really tired and I the nap did make me feel a lot better

"Hey bubs, ready to wake up?" I heard a voice whisper from my side, making me grunt a little in response, no I did not want to wake up, I was very comfortable where I was thank you very much

Eventually I did wake up a little and rolled over to lay on my back, opening my eyes a little and looking around "hi little one, finally decided to come to the land of living?" It was the black haired lady she was laying beside me, looking at something on her phone

"I don't know your name" I spoke softly, my body instinctively moving closer to her "I'm Helen and Opal is not here right now, she had to deal with some work" I nodded softly and happily accepted when she pulled me into a hug

"You had a good nap?" Helen asked making me nod, I really don't know what happened at the cell, but its like my body wanted to be close to them at all times and whenever I was near them I felt comfortable and safe

"What's happening?" I asked still cuddled close to her but moved away a little so I could look at her face "do you know what mates are?" She asked making me shake my head, I have heard the word before but I don't know what it means

"Well in the life of vampires, they have a designated partner for each other, the one who is meant for them sort of like a soul mate, but it goes a lot beyond that, and that person who is meant for the person to be with are called mates, like each other's mates" She spoke softly trying to make in simple so I could understand once she saw the confusion on my face

"S-so like you an Opal are mates?" I asked softly, I don't know why she was telling me about mates, maybe she wanted me to know more about her and Opal

"That is correct honey, but not all the way, one person can have more than one mate and you little bug are our second mate" She said making me look at her with wide eyes, I'm a what?

"W-wait what?" I choked out, trying to process everything that she had just said to me and the fact that I was the mate of possibly two of the mose powerful people on this side of the country

"Shhhh, breathe little one, I know its a lot to take it, but you are our mate and we are really happy that we finally found you" She whispered softly and her words did wonders in calming me down

"That's correct, it's good to see your awake cutie" I was startled out of my thoughts by Opal who entered the room making me blush and hide away in Helen

I wasn't used to this...  I wasn't used to kindness and nicknames and being held, it was all new for me but I liked the feeling of being with them, even though my brain was having a hard time accepting the mates part, my body and my heart seem to know already

"Aww come on bug, don't hide from me now" Opal cooed at me softly, coming to sit on the side of the bed making me peek out and look at her "hello" I spoke softly moving my hand towards her and I smiled in content when she held my hand gently

Helen POV

Our mate is such a cutie, she was still cuddled close into me, her hand reaching over to the other side and holding on to Opal's who seemed just as happy to be able to hold her

"How much did Helen explain to you baby?" Opal asked gently, moving some hair away from Athena's face making her blush lightly

Her back was pressed against my front with one of my arms wrapped around her and she was still holding on to Opal's hand, looking at her

"Um, that I am you and Helen's mate and every vampire has a mate, it's sort of like a soul mate, made for each other sorta thing?" She spoke softly, her hand coming to play with my fingers as she avoided eye contact with Opal

"That is correct bubs, me and Helen have been mates for a really long time, but we knew we had another mate, and we've been looking for you for quite a while sweetheart" This made her perk up and she looked at Opal with a small smile

"How'd you know if you have one mate or more?" She asked softly, making me and Opal chuckle at the same time "you know we are vampires right?" I asked softly noticing how she went stiff for a moment as if she had forgotten but nodded

"We have advanced senses, when I met Helen I immediately knew that she was my mate, just like we did once we touched you, and even after we both found each other we felt like something was missing, in other words you" Opal spoke gently, booping her nose once she finished making her scrunch it up

"We are also caregivers bub, you know what that means?" I asked softly, frowning a little as she shook her head and turned a little to look at me

"Well it's a classification bubba, like there are littles and neutrals and caregivers, we are both caregivers, we take care of littles" I explained softly, watching her eyes get wide for a moment before nodding

"You already have a little?" She asked softly, sadness evident in her tone "well bubs, that's where you come in, you are our little, if you want that" That one sentence seemed to do the trick

She flung her hands around my neck and hugged me tight, not that the little one can hurt me anyway, she nodded into my neck, making me smile and look up at my wife who had a huge grin on her face as well "we got you sweetheart, don't worry" I whispered into her ear rubbing her back softly

I apologize for the late update! I have exams coming up soon and they last till the end of this month so I'm not sure how many updates will be possible.... 

I appreciate your patience and thank you so much for reading my book and showing me love in the comment section

I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter


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