chapter - 24

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Hello everyone happy new year! I apologize for being away from here but I have just been really busy with the holidays and university.. 

Helen POV

While Opal sorted out the popcorn, Athena had made her self comfortable on my lap and was snuggled smack in the middle of my boobs, judging by her breathing and the way her fists kept clenching and unclenching my shirt she wasn't asleep

"What's going on in your head little one?" I asked softly, moving her gently so she was sitting up a little bit more and I was able to make eye contact with her

"Momma, there milky?" She whispered softly, resting her hand on top of my boob and looking up at me with those innocnet eyes

"Yeah angel, there's milk in there" I whispered back just as gently, my hand coming to cup the back of her head. So the precious thing was curious

"I momma, mine?" She babbled out, her eyes fixated on my boobs and a look of wanting in her eyes, she wanted this just as much as I did. That makes it seem a little better at least

"I got- oh" Opal stopped herself mid sentence, the moment she saw the look on our face and me about to take off my top

"All good here my loves?" She smiled coming to sit next to me, the popcorn bowl now abandoned on the table

"All good honey, little princess just wanted some milky, isn't that right honey?" I cooed softly. I pulled her back just enough to slip my shirt off and help her have a comfortable position

"It's just like your baba sweetheart, just try not to bite momma" I teased and booped her nose, making her let out a small giggle which bought a huge smile to my face

"When ever you're ready my sweet girl, we go at your pace" Opal rubbed her thumb over Athena's cheek softly and cuddled on my other side. Both my girls close to me.

Opal turned on some movie, we both didn't care what we were watching, but it turned out to be Bolt

With our attention away from the little one, I felt her hesitantly latch on and suck slowly. I moved my hand very gently not to startle her and cupped the back of her head holding her head steady

"Good girl" I whispered softly kissing her head, I looked down for a second not able to hold myself back anymore and those big innocent eyes stared right back at me and I swear, I've never felt something like that before. It's like she completed everything

Athena POV

I thought nursing from momma was going to be weird and that once we actually started she would not find it nice and won't want to do it again...

But it was really nice and comfy, momma's body wrapped all around and the milk tasted a little sweeter and milkier? I don't know how to explain it but it was like a calming drug

The moment I started to nurse it was all fuzzy and warm and I didn't care about anything else anymore because I knew my mommies would take care of it

I don't know how long I nursed for, but I only stopped once my tummy was full and I was really sleepy

Momma tried to move me, for whatever reason, but I didn't wanna move! I was comfy here and it was somehow warm, I didn't know vampires could be warm but I was so wrong

"Shhh little one, come here it's okay" It was mama this time and I felt myself being shifted into another pair of arms just as warm and my blanket being tucked around me

Without opening my eyes because that was just too much effort right now I moved around to find Peter and I felt him magically appear in my arms making me tuck him close

"Shhh it's sleepy time isn't it angel" Mama whispered making me give a small nod in agreement, I felt mama start to pat my bottom making me remember that was indeed in a pull up and the padding felt even softer at the moment giving me a sense of security I don't think I have ever felt before

"We've always got you little bug" Momma and mama whispered together making me let out a sigh of relief, I felt a swish and then being placed down on my bed I think but I didn't wanna sleep alone!

"Mama, momma" I cried out, my eyes barely opening to see myself in mommies room and mama pulling me close once again "shhh we're right here little one, right here" I felt myself start to doze off at those words my hand clutching to mama and Peter and momma's arm around my tummy

I was safe and I was loved that's Everything I've ever wanted and I got it from the people I was least expecting it from

And there we go!

I apologize for the delay in update once again! This completes this story. There will be an epilogue posted in about two weeks and that will be the end of Vampire mommies.

For those who have been here since the start, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and the story overall.

For the last time in this book, let me know your views in the comments and vote if you enjoyed.


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