chapter 7

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Athena POV

After having talk with Helen and Opal about my regression, I felt a lot at ease and not worrying as much to try and push it down whenever I had that feeling.

We were at the moment sitting in Helen and Opal's bed, they both said that it would be best to stay with them and in there room till they introduced me formally to everyone in the meeting on Saturday which was in 2 days

I was snuggled in between both of them a soft blue blanket covering me, I was snuggled close to Opal my body hidden into her and Helen was on my other side her hand massaging my head making me close my eyes in content

"Don't go to sleep yet bug, you need to stay up a little longer have some yummy dinner and then we can go night night okay?" Opal whispered in to my ear making me grunt and turn the other way to hide into Helen

"Oh little one, I know I know you just want sleep don't you angel?" Helen cooed at me softly happily accepting me into her arms and holding me close

"No up" I grumbled out snuggling further into Helen and holding on to her, "well how about I got and get us some food, maybe a warm bottle and we can have a little picnic on the bed yea?" Helen asked softly her hands running through my hair making me lean into her touch

"Uh huh" I nodded softly and settled to playing with Helen's hair which was so soft and fluffy and holding it made me feel like I was touching feathers

"Alright little but, snuggle up to Opal and I'm gonna get us some yum yums, any requests my love?" She asked me and Opal both I think "Mac an cheesy" I mumbled softly making her nod "some chicken and fries for me babe" I heard Opal say before I was shifted and I rolled over to snuggle into Opal hiding again

"Hey pretty girl, can I ask you something?" Opal whispered softly kissing my head, I nodded a little and moved away a little to look into her blue eyes, they were prettier when they turned red though

Opal POV

While Helen went to get us some food I cuddled our little one close and I had to make the little one ready for bed, ever since our conversation about being little she has been slowly inching more towards her regressed side and we couldn't be more happier

"What do you usually do when you're little sweets?" I asked softly smiling at her when I saw her looking at me "uh dunno, jus lay an cwolour an nini" She spoke absentmindedly, her hands playing with the neckline of my shirt

"Yea bubba? Can I ask you another really important question love? I promise it's nothing bad I just want you to be honest okay my little dove?" I whispered softly and tucked some of her hair behind her ear

"Uh huh" She looked back up at me making me smile "do you wear any kind of protection when you're little angel? And how fa--" Before I could even finish my sentence I felt her chuck her hear back into my chest hard and hide her whole face away

Before I knew it she was sniffling and crying softly into my chest and the fact that my mate was crying and my mommy instincts kicked in all at the same time and I hugged her close rubbing her back and whispering soothing things into her ear "hey shhh baby girl, don't get all worked up doll, it's absolutely okay if you do" I whispered softly

"I no mean to...." She whispered after a little bit, her face still into my chest but she was visibly a lot calmer now and only a few occasional sniffle were leaving her mouth

"What happened?" Helen asked softly closing the door gently behind her, she had no doubt felt the same kind of sadness that I did when I heard her cry, which would tell why she was back so fast and looked worried

"I just asked her if she wears any kind of protection and I upset her" I whispered softly, not wanting to rile her up again and I knew she could hear me even when I spoke softly

"Hey bug, it's okay if you need protection love, that's what it's there for there's nothing to cry about baby girl" Helen whispered softly, moving some hair away from her fave and using a wet wipe to clean it off

"No hit if accidnet?" She whispered, looking at Helen first and then turning her head to look at me "never ever my love, no one is going to lay hands on you ever again" I spoke with my mafia voice slightly overtaking and I could feel my eyes turn red as well, it seemed to do the trick as she nodded her head and rested against my boobs using them as her personal pillows

"Now I got some yummy Mac and cheese for my baby and chicken for my darling, let's wipe those tears off and we can start eating okay?" Helen cooed softly scooping Athena up and sitting her in between her legs with Athena's back against her front and started to explain all the different foods that she had got, I love both of those to death

Here we go! We are making progress on the regression aspect! If there anything in particular you guys want to read let me know!

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