chapter 11

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Helen POV

The sight in front of me was not something that I ever wanted to see again, Athena was curled up in Opal's arms who was rocking her and swaying her gently

There was broken glass all over the floor and blood covering one side of the wall, no doubt from one of the guys who entered the house

It had taken me a while to make sure that all the guys were taken safely to lock up and to give instructions to other members to clean up the hallway and then head back to bed

"Lena" She barely mumbled out, her eyes looking at me which were bloodshot and teary "hey baby, it's okay" I cooed softly moving closer to them and scooping her up once she extended her arms towards me

"How many were here?" I whispered to Opal softly and held Athena tighter since she seemed to hide into my neck holding on to me just as tight "it's all okay baby" I whispered softly "one" Opal whispered just as quiet making me nod

"Let's head back to bed, we have things to deal with in the morning" I whispered softly and Opal nodded at me, David one of the staff members entered the room quietly after knocking and cleaned up all the glass, he gave a curious glance to Athena but knew better than to ask anything at the moment

"What do you say baby? Are you ready to go night night again hmm?" I asked softly still rocking her gently, she was being really quiet, which is okay but I just want her to be alright

"She needs to be changed baby" Opal whispered into my ear so only I could hear and I knew what she meant "I got it love, you think she'll want some more milk?" I whispered back just as quiet

And with a small nod of head she was out with a flash to get her some more milk, the spider man bottle gone from the night stand "shhhh I'm gonna get you nice and clean in one second little one, you got Peter with you?" I spoke quietly lying her down on the bed rubbing her tummy a little to settle her down

"Opal?" She asked softly, hugging Peter close to her chest as I started to change her diaper "she's gone to get some more milky angel, she'll be back in a second" I spoke softly watching as she nodded again her eyes trained on the door

"Opal!" Her eyes lit up spotting her and smiled softly, gosh I missed her tiny high pitched voice and smile "I'm here bug, I went to get you some milky" Opal cooed softly leaning down to give her a small kiss on her nose

"Come baby, let's go night night" Opal lifted Athena up and layed her in the middle of her bed and tucked the blankets around her safely

"Come on babe" She looked at me with a small smile, I know she wanted both of us close to her, just like I did and I nodded softly laying down on my spot

Athena POV

I curled up close to Helen and reached out my hand to grab a fist full of Opal's shirt, I didn't want either of them to get out of my sight

When the scary man entered the room I couldn't help but scream out of fear, he came straight towards me and he had a bat I think in his arm

No sooner than I could blink Opal had come into the room and thrown the man across the wall as if he weighed nothing and I think she saw the look of fear on my face because she instantly scooped me up and held me close

I was now drinking some more warm milk and my eyes were getting sleepier as time passed on but I was scared to fall asleep again

"Shhhh close those pretty eyes sweetheart, we'll keep you safe" I heard helen whisper into my ear and Opal squeezed my hand reassuring me

I nodded a little and held on to Peter tight, finally loosing the fight and going to dreamland, I know they'll keep me safe

There we have it! I apologize the update Schedule has been all over the place, but I've been thinking to change the name of the book to "my vampire mommies" So let me know what you think about that


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