chapter 6

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Helen POV

Derek a guy who guards the prison cell, he decided it would be a great time to come into the kitchen and be loud

Clearly Athena was scared of him, she clung on to Opal as much as she could, her eyes shifting towards Derek who was looking at her with anger and hate in his eyes making them turn red

Opal seemed to react first, her instincts probably high with how scared Athena was and the way she was clinging to her "lower your voice and know who you are talking to Derek" Opal spoke in a cold tone her eyes herself turning into red for a brief moment to tell him that she was indeed being very serious and not to test her at the moment

"I-I apologize ma'am, I was startled when I saw the prisoner out of the jail cell" He seemed to have a better control over his tone now, but there was hate evident towards Athena in the way he called her prisoner

"She's not a prisoner and I would suggest you don't treat her that way, you'll know more soon, for now leave" I spoke without breaking eye contact with him, he spared one last glance at Athena but walked out without saying anything else

I could hear Athena let out a breath of air that she was holding on to, and she clung to Opal like her life depended on it, poor thing was shaking and she had turned around in Opal's lap and hugged her by her neck hiding into her chest

"Hey shhhh, what's got you all worked up doll? No one's gonna hurt you as long as we're here I promise" I could hear Opal whisper to Athena and I was having a really hard time controlling my anger towards Derek, she's still adjusting to everything, he didn't need to scare her

"Lena?" She spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper, if it wasn't for my vampire hearing I probably would not have heard her

"I'm here love, what's up" I walked back towards her leaning against the counter top and standing close to them

"Why mean?" She whispered again, making me and Opal look at her small frame with sadness, how should I explain to a little girl why people are mean, they don't need to know why people are selfish and arrogant and stupid

"Sometimes bubba people are just frustrated and confused and they tend to take it out on other people, while that in no way justifies their actions they tend to cause trouble for others because their own life is troubled" Opal whispered to her, her hand coming to cup the back of her head and she pulled her as close as she could

Athena POV

I don't know why the man in the kitchen was so rude, I didn't even do anything to him so why does he need to talk to badly to me

"Opal eyes go red" I whispered looking up at her, when she was talking with the man her eyes went red just like the man's but I didn't feel scared

"Uh yea bug, our eyes can turn red when the vampire inside us wants to come out or if we are angry" Helen said her hand coming to ruffle my hair making me lean towards her side

"Opal an'ry?" I asked softly, turning my head to look at her, I didn't want her to be angry, nothing good happens when people are mad

"Oh no bug I'm not mad, he just said something out of line so I had to tell him to tone it down" Opal cooed at me, making me blush and hide in her chest

"Is someone feeling smol hmm?" Opal continued to coo at me, as if she already knew what was going on in my head "nuh huh" I shook my head, I have actually never been fully regressed

The only time I actually got to explore that side of me wad at night when I was alone in my room, and sometimes if I accidentally slipped up or acted little then I was punished and sent back to my room

"I n-no smol, I promise" I whispered out trying to make my voice sound as big as j could "why don't you wanna be smol bug? I wanna see my little baby girl" Helen asked softly and I peeked out a little to see her pouting at me

Are they being serious right now? Is it really okay for me to be little and I wont be beat up and punished about it? "I no wan be punished" I whispered out hesitantly

"Hey, hey look at me angel" Opal spoke softly making me pull back a little so I could look into her blue eyes, shame they weren't red anymore, they looked really pretty

"As long as we are here, which is going to be a really really long time, no one and I mean it baby girl, no one is ever going to lay hands on you ever again. You can be big or little as much or as little as you want sweetheart and we will never ever hold that against you" Opal's tone was sincere and I could feel that she really meant each and every word of what she said Helen too who came and scooped me up

It caught me off guard for a second but I happily wrapped my arms and legs around her and nuzzled in her neck nodding "uh huh" That seemed to satisfy them as Helen gave me a gently squeeze and rocked us both softly calming me down from all my worries

Here we have it! A double update for today, hope you guys enjoyed it

From the next chapter we'll be seeing a lot more of little Athena and finally her introduction to the whole gang soon

Updates should be more regular now, thank you all for being patient with me and reading


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