chapter 10

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Helen POV

"She's asleep babe?" I whispered quietly once her bottle was empty, slowly pulling it out and placing a paci on her lips instead once she started whining

"She's so precious" Opal cooed softly at her, her thumb moving up and down her cheek gently as the little one slept peacefully "she really is babe, I can't believe we found our mate from the South people" I whispered tucking the blankets around the three of us snugly

"She's got Peter?" I checked for a last time, seeing that indeed he was tucked under one of her arm while she has rolled over to cuddle into Opal who accepted her happily and sleepily cuddled together

They're both so freaking adorable "night my lovelies" I whispered softly pressing a small kiss to Opal's hand like I did every night and snuggling into the blankets

------ In the middle of the night -----

I don't know what woke me up, but i heard a faint noise of one of the windows opening, it wouldn't have been audible to a human but being a vampire certainly had it's perks

I glanced over at my wife and Athena and surprisingly they were both still asleep, but I heard the same creak again and this time Opal opened her eyes as well "shhh yea I heard it too, I'm gonna go check it out, stay with the baby please" I whispered softly and slipped out of bed

The moment I made my way outside my door I knew what was wrong, three people were trying to enter through the window in the hallway, using a rope it seems, and humans at that

"What are you doing in my house" I growled, turning on the lights, my eyes flashing an angry red as I looked at them

They looked at me with wide eyes, all three of them wearing ski masks and clearly terrified of me but tried to act tough

"W-we came to get our leaders pet" One of them spoke making my raise my eyebrow "who?" I asked in a cold tone, really loosing my patience here, why the hell would he sent someone just for a pet

"Uh um the little shit named Athena she was supposed to do a drug drop but the good for nothing girl couldn't even do that" The other one spoke making my eyes became red with anger, no one speaks about my mate like that

"What the hell did he say about our mate?" Opal came out from our room her eyes just as red as mine and she was looking at them with the intent of killing

Just as she was about to launch at them we heard the shattering of a window and my baby's scream full of terror "Opal get her I got them" I spoke and no sooner than I finished speaking she has disappeared into our room with vampire speed

I bought my attention to the there guys in front of them, so their job was to distract us while someone else grabs Athena, pathetic I must say they clearly don't know the extent of our vampire power

I pulled out my fangs hissing at them and launching myself at them, they spoke bad about my mate and no one has the authority to do that

Opal POV

The moment I heard her scream all I saw was red, I wanted to kill who scared her, I entered the room and there was a man near the window and he was walking towards Athena

I don't think I have ever moved that fast and threw the guy towards the wall with so much force I could basically hear him break his bones and gasp for breath "keep your hands off my mate" I growled more my eyes flashing a angry red as I looked at him

"Op'pal" She squeaked softly her eyes waterly and tears fully falling down her cheeks, I heard more footsteps from outside it seems like everyone in the house was up now

"Hey shhhhh, I'm here now" I cooed softly scooping her up just in time as one of our head guys entered the room looking at the guy who was on the fall and then at me, my eyes still red and angry

"Get him out of my room and tell Helen to come in once she's done" I spoke in a cold tone my hand rubbing Athena's back as she clung to me as much as she could, poor baby

Well this night took a turn for the worse...  I don't know how this is gonna effect her

I apologize for the late update.. But I opened a YouTube channel for regression audios!

I'm gonna attach a screenshot of my account and the link, please check it out if you can

I want to thank everyone for the amount of support and love you all have given me and for being so patient. I hope you like this chapter

- Alex

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