chapter 21

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Athena POV

Being mommies helper was a big job and it took a lot of energy! Mama gave me a big stack of letters and by the time I was almost done with it I was sleepy and I wanted to just cuddle up with momma and stay there

"Are you all done bug?" Momma whispered into my ear, moving some hair away from my face and I nodded softly, yawning as I tilted my head to get a better look at momma

"Momma nap?" I whispered my fists coming to rub my eye and a soft whine escaping my lips, they've been taking for ages!

"Shhhh i'm here it's okay" Momma shifted me around in her lap so I was laying chest to chest with momma with my head on her boobs and they were so much better than pillows

I felt my eyes close almost instantly as momma wrapped her arms around me and started to rock the chair a little, I nuzzled deeper into her chest trying to get comfy and warm

In the middle of my nuzzling and trying to get comfortable on momma's lap I felt a blanket being draped around my back and tucked into the sides gently

I barely opened my eyes to peek out and saw mama tucking the blanket around my body, she smiled once she saw me watching her and leaned down to kiss my head "sleep sweetheart, do you want your paci" Mama whispered coming closer to my ear

I nodded eagerly, sitting up a little and gave mama a sleepy smile when she magically made a paci appear from her pocket. I opend my mouth and mama put it in making me sighing in content

"Sleep darling" Momma whispered, her hands resting on my back making me sink into her chest and get comfy just as a I dozed off too dream land

Opal POV

I'm glad she had fun stamping the letters, but by the end of the stack she was absolutely done and tired, I guess the I wore her out

It may also be because she didn't sleep well last night, poor thing kept shifting and moving every couple of seconds I hope she can at least sleep good on Helen's lap

"She's okay?" I whisper to Helen softly, we are almost done with the meeting and thankfully we have figured out the major things on how to tackle the humans and to make sure everything is in order since there is no border separating us

"She's been asleep for a while, she keeps grabbing right on my breast though" Helen whispers back just as the room starts to clear off making my raise my brows to look at her

"She did that last night as well, do you think it means something baby?" I ask hesitantly, the only thing that can come to my mind is breastfeeding but we haven't even touched that topic with Athena so far

"Usually babies who are hungry and want food from their mother try to grab at the breast unconsciously, for milk" Helen whispers back making me nod softly

"I mean it doesn't hurt to ask her does it?" I think out loud, if that's something the little one wants Helen will be more than happy to allow her to breast feed, I know that and she knows that too

"Maybe in a few days darling, she's been through a lot" Helen whispers again, standing up gently and shushing Athena who whined at the movement

Wrapped in her arms with the blanket and the way she was rocking and shushing her, she almost looked like a newborn baby, and with the look on Helen's face she was thinking of the same thing

"She's the most precious thing ever" I whisper moving closer to them and kissing the little one on her forehead "you both are to me" I peck my wife softly

"I know babe, come let's go rest" I nod softly following her out of the room and towards our bed room, we all could definitely use a nap

It's not long I know, but it's something

I'm trying to make them more consistent I promise

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