chapter 13

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Opal POV

I peeked into our guest bathroom having done with my bath 10 minutes ago, but there was no sign of either Helen or Athena

Once inside the bathroom I saw Helen sitting on a stool near the tub and helping wash Athena who was busy playing with a rubber duck and boat, there were also a few scattered bath crayons

"You having fun baby?" I whispered softly as I entered the bathroom fully, not wanting to startle either one of them "pearl lookie!" Athena exclaimed happily and picked up one crayon writing the letter A on the tile

"That's pretty cool little one, wanna tell me what letter that is?" I asked softly smiling at her "it's an A! Like mah name" She giggled softly as she said that making me smile

"Absolutely correct honey! What a smart girl you are" Helen cooed setting the loofah on the side once she was done "all ready to come out bubba?" Helen asked softly and pulled the plug from the bath tub once she nodded

"Bah bye bubbles" She waved at the little suds as they went down the drain making me smile, she really is so so precious, it makes me mad just thinking that someone wants to hurt her and take her away from us

"Why don't you go shower babe, I can get her dressed" I asked Helen as I reached for Athena's towel wrapping her snug in it and scooping her up

"Alright baby, her clothes are on our bed and so is peter, I'll hurry" Helen pecked my cheek and Athena's forehead before speeding away into our bathroom

"Let's get you all dressed up and comfy" I swayed her gently keeping her bundled up with the towel as I walked into our room

"Diaper or pull up darling?" I asked Softly laying her on my bed and patting her dry, "pull up pwesse" She whispered shyly looking around the bed trying to look for something

"What are you looking for darling?" I asked softly once I had pulled the pull up on her waist and taken out the moisturizer "Peter" She whispered, I smiled softly and reached over her handing her the stuffed bunny making her hold him close

"Arms up" I whispered softly and helped put the t shirt on her the right way along with a pair of pastel shorts, these are also the clothes that we took from little space cupboard in the kitchen

"Why don't you look cute" Helen cooed gently as she entered the room and layed besides Athena kissing her head "oh and you smell nice too, I could just eat you up" She playfully whispered pretending to eat Athena and nibble at her neck

"Nuuuh Nuh huh, me nu fwoood" She giggled softly and kicked her legs enjoying the little game "well you kinda are food for us honey bee" I whispered holding her hand and kissing it "onwly mah blood" She whispered and smiled softly

How can someone so little and so innocent be so smart I will never be able to understand "that is correct honey" I smiled and scooped her up

"Come bubba it's time to get some breaky, I'm hungry" I told her bouncing her in my arms gently "foood pwease!" She squealed agreeing with me making me smile again, gosh she really is so adorable

Athena POV

I was in Opal's arms and we seemed to be going a lot further down the hall than we did the other day and they both stopped in front of this huge door and lots of noises could be heard from inside

Helen opened the door gently and the moment both of them entered the room, all the noises stopped and everyone stopped talking with each other and just stared at us

Then some mumbles started here and there and turned around to hide my body into opal's, nuzzling my head into her neck so I didn't have to look at all these people

After a few minutes I felt opal sit down and adjust me a little so I was sitting straddling her lap with my head still tucked in her neck

"I know you all have questions but let us explain first before you ask anything and make remarks" I heard Helen speak in a loud tone making me cling more to opal

I felt opal's hands wrap around me one on my back and the other on my head holding me close "this is Athena and she is our second mate" Opal spoke in a loud and clear voice, and I could again hear some gasps and mumbles from all around us

"The incident that happened last night, they were people from the North head who came to attack and take Athena, they abused her and treated her really bad" Helen spoke this time and I could feel her hold my hand from the side

"She is our mate and a part of our pact, and we will do everything we can do protect her and avenge what they have done to her" Opal spoke firmly making my clutch on her tight

They are going through so much trouble for me.... So much problems and issues all because of me...  I'm such a pain, in the midst of all these thoughts I felt myself being turned around so I could face everyone else

I turned to see everyone's eyes on me and I held on to Opal's hand tightly "can you say hi to them sweetheart?" Helen whispered into my ear and I nodded a little "H-Hi, I'm Athena" I mumbles softly but from all the gasps and soft glances I was getting i'm assuming they heard me

And here we have it! I apologize my update schedule has been literally all over the place

I graduated hence things have been a little overwhelming and jam packed so I haven't had time to write a lot, but I promise to make more updates soon although they might not all be on Tuesday's

And a huge huge thank you to anyone who has subscribed to my YouTube channel or watched my videos, it means a lot to me and I'm going to try and be more regular there as well

I will see you guys soon with a new update


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