chapter 16

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Helen POV

Today was the big day that we're going to take over the North head, yesterday was absolutely hectic, we managed to each spend some time separately with Athena but not together as one of us had to stay with the teams to make sure everything was going the way it was supposed to go

The plan was easy, we had been given approval from the council and as for dealing with those filthy humans, the heads are gong to be taken back to the main house and we're gonna deal with them separately

No way I'm going to give them the peace of dying easily when they tortured and hurt my baby girl, thankfully it's only going to be a one day assignment

Vampire speed and strength do come in handy at times like this, a typical two day mission for humans is only gonna take half a day Or two third of the day at max

After discussing with Opal we both found it right to keep Athena with someone while we're away, and although most of the team is coming with us to the attack, not everyone is going

Derek is going to stay back with Athena, he was not happy about it initially, but we need someone who we trust to stay with her while we're away and he's the only one who she feels even remotely comfortable with

"Are you all set? We need to leave in 10" Opal peeked her head into our bathroom, coming inside with Athena in her arms fast asleep nuzzling into her chest and holding Peter close

"She's still out?" I asked chuckling softly at her sleepy face and quickly finished tying my hair into a neat bun "still sleeping away" Opal whispered back hugging her closer and kissing her head

"We promised we'll tell her before we go" I whispered moving closer to them and all of us exited the bathroom "how about we just wake her up and tell her and she can sleep more in our bed if she wants, I'll let Derek know where to come to her before we go"

I nodded softly and gently kissed Athena's cheek making her barely open her eyes "hey pretty girl" I cooed, unable to keep my smile away at her adorable sleepy face "mownin" She whispered sleepily before turning to hide her face fully into opal

"Me and Opal are going to go now okay baby girl? You can sleep some more in our bed and Derek will be here in a bit to keep you company" I whispered, watching as Opal kissed her head and shushed her before gently setting her in the middle of our bed "be safes" She mumbles softly making me smile and kiss her forehead before moving away and allowing Opal to do the same

"come babe" She whispers and with one last glance towards the bed, watching her sleep peacefully we exit the room quietly shutting it gently, I make my way towards the main hall to make sure everyone is accounted for and Opal went to tell Derek to join Athena in our room, I don't feel safe keeping her alone in there while we're not in the house

Athena POV

I opened my eyes and looked around the room, it only seemed like a few minutes ago that Opal and Helen said goodbye and left... I didn't want them to leave at all, but I was still happy they at least said bye to me before they went

I don't exactly know what woke me up, but sitting up straight I knew what it was, it was a faint tapping noise coming from a window somewhere in the floor, I looked outside the window and I couldn't see anyone but the noise was still there making me want to curl up further into my blankets

After a few minutes the tapping noise stopped and now it was completely silent, which for some reason felt even more scary than the tapping noise itself, before I could think what was happening the door opened and in front of me was the one person that I never wanted to see again

It was the head of North gang and he was in Opal and Helen's house, he's here to get me and they're not here to keep me safe "make one noise and I swear I'll kill you before you can even blink you piece of shit" He spoke in a low tone, making me cower back into the bed rest of the bed and hide

"I see they like adults who love to act like babies, can't even do one thing right can you?" He snarled, moving closer to me making me let out small whimpers and tears "and there we go again with the crying, didn't I teach you anything little Pet? " He said

And without warning my body reacted to the word Pet and sobs started to come from my mouth which I think were loud enough to get the Attention of the people who were still in the house, and soon fast footsteps could be heard from outside

"I swear you little piece of shit" He scrambled towards me grabbing a fist full of my hair and yanking it, I closed my eyes preparing myself for the blow that was about to come based on previous experience but nothing came

The next time I opened my eyes I was still on the bed and the North head was in Derek's arms who was trying to choke him but soon realized my eyes on him and let go of him "get him to the cellar and contact the leader right Now" He spoke and everyone in the room left dragging the half conscious North head with them

"Are you alright little one?" He asked softly bending down to meet my eyes and everything hit me just at once and all I wanted was one thing in that moment "I want momma and mama" I whispered and watched as his eyes widened slightly but nodded "they're gonna be here as soon as they can little one, I promise" She assured me gently and sat at one of the open stools in the room letting me silently cry and curl up in the blankets and bed that still smelt like my two favorite people

And there we have it! We're making some major progress stay tuned for next week

A huge thank you for reading and loving my story


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