Ch. 5

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Scaramouche was staring at Y/n from behind, apparently, they shared a single class together, their teacher a man with blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. He was on about some project for the semester, and the male just couldn't rip his eyes away from his beloved Y/n. "Scaramouche!"

The sound of his name being yelled made him jump from his seat as his panicked indigo eyes landed on the man in front of the room. "Did you hear what I just said?" The male shook his head, he could feel his heart thumping loudly in his ears at the blond sighed heavily. "While you were staring at L/n, I assigned your groupmates for the project. Have either Y/n, Mika, or Layla explain what you must do after class, understood?"

The male sat in his chair his eyes glued to his table unable to look up due to his humiliation. Now Y/n knew he was staring at them. He clenched his hands into fists as he bit his bottom lip glaring at the table. "If only I wasn't called out," he muttered to himself as he looked up to glare daggers into his professor's back.

Soon the class came to an end as Scaramouche packed up his belongings slowly, a hand slammed onto his table making him flinch. "Hey pretty boy! Why were you staring earlier? You made me think I had a serial killer on my back," His indigo eyes widen shaking his head a pink hue upon his cheeks. "I just..." His throat clenched as his eyes met bright/dark eyes, "I-I just wanted to say... Y-You look nice today."

His heart thumped loudly as he finished backing his stuff up as Y/n let out a small laugh at his compliment, "Thanks! How about we head to my dorm so we could figure out some stuff! Mika could also join us since Layla has to go to work after class," he nodded at their words as they began to walk out the room only to be stopped by their professor.

"Scaramouche, a word?" His hands clenched at his sides as he nodded Y/n flashing him a smile as they went outside the door. "I will be straight forward, make sure to keep your personal affairs, relationships and drama outside my class, I don't want it to get in the way of your studies, understood?"

Scaramouche just nodded not wanting to meet his professor's sharp blue eyes, "Yes, I understand, Dainslief, " He muttered as he left the room after his professor allowed him to do so, his eyes glaring at the ground. "Don't go burning holes in on the ground you walk pretty boy," his head snapped up to see Y/n leaning on the wall, a blonde haired male next to them that looked rather young.

"Y-You... You waited from me?" Y/n smiled at his words and pushed themself off the wall hooking their arm around his shoulders. "Of course! We need to work on this project and we're gonna hang out right after, yeah?" He was at a loss for words, and felt a blush crawl up his neck, they were just so good to him he didn't know what to do. Poor Mika, he felt like he was third wheeling.

On the way to Y/n's dorm room, they bumped into their brother, an awkward smile made its way onto Y/n's face as they looked up to their brother's harsh gaze. "I haven't seen you since you left the house, who are these boys?" They frowned at their brother's words and uncomfortably shifted on their other leg, "They're my friends, who else Al-Haitham?"

"I thought you didn't have any friends?" Y/n felt their chest pang in discomfort, "Well, I made some... What's it to you anyways? It's not like you actually care, maybe mom is just sending you to just hover over me to be like you..." Al-Haitham shook his head at their words and opened his mouth before shutting it. 

Their brother frowned at their words before glancing at the two people at their sides, the blonde boy looked harmless, but this other one, he did not like the aura around this boy. "Hm, make sure to answer your phone later, mom has been trying to reach out to you, but you've been ignoring her," he muttered to them walking by to his own friends who waited for him. Y/n's hands tightened around their bag as they gritted their teeth. 

I was suppose to get away from them... Him, Mom, Dad... Do they just want to make my life hell? The constant comparing, the stupid inferiority, my self-esteem... Why can't I just get away from you? Away from them? 

College was the place to try to get away from their brother, to step out of his shadow, yet anytime they ever seen him, their confidence plummeted to the ground. Tears pricked their eyes as they walked silently with their friends, no matter what Y/n did, they'd always feel inferior to their high-achieving brother, Al-Haitham.  

Bitterly thinking of their family they didn't even realize how tightly they were clenching the strap of their bag until a hand had incased their. Their head snapped to the owner and indigo eyes full of worry looked into their tired eyes. "You okay?"

They nodded and Scaramouche didn't even believe them for even a second as they walked ahead of them quickly. Mika shook his head with a small smile, "Give them a little space to cool off a bit, I think it's better if we do that on the rest of our way." Scaramouche nodded with a small frown, and they both continued after Y/n although a bit away from them. 

wc: 949

back to back chapters? In less than 24 hours? Woooo

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