Ch. 7

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Thoughts swirled rapidly in Y/n's head; they've been out of it since they were kissed by their dear friend Scaramouche a few days ago. They began to avoid their friend as they could barely look at him without their cheeks flushing. They wanted to distant themself from the boy without him noticing, but his heart hurt the moment he realized that they were in fact ignoring him on purpose.

But Y/n could bare make conversation with the boy with out glancing at his lips and thinking back to that night when he comforted them. Sure, he was pretty, he was nice, and he looked so kissable... They shook their head to rid of their thoughts as they felt their face burn then they waved at Scaramouche and walked past him. 

A week had gone by since Scaramouche's beloved Y/n, had been ignoring him, and he decided he'd had enough of their cruel treatment, as he put it. Enough was enough as soon as class was going to end, he would take Y/n to his dorm and talk with them. 

He nodded to himself feeling determination filling his body, then paused, what if they didn't like him anymore? Or if they hated him for invading their space when they were vulnerable? But they did kiss him back, so did they like him too? His heart clenched in his chest, what if they hated him all this time and finally decided to take action? He didn't know if his heart could take anymore of his insecure thinking. 

Scaramouche's leg began to bounce up and down as he stared at the clock, waiting for the hour hand to finally rest on the eleven. He lightly bit his nail, watching nervously at the clock until the bell finally rang making him bouce out of his chair almost immediately. 

As soon as their class was dismissed by Professor Dainsleif, he rushed out the door to wait by it as soon as Y/n came out. As soon as he saw a glimpse of their messy h/c hair, he gripped their wrist and began to rush elsewhere. Ignoring all of the looks that was thrown at the two by other students that were in the way, he pushed passed everyone that stood in the way.

To say Y/n were surprise was an understatement; getting dragged somewhere after class was not the ideal way they were thinking their day would go. Who is... Oh, it's Scaramouche... Their eyes widen as they felt their cheeks flush looking down at his hand on their wrist tugging them somewhere. IT'S SCARAMOUCHE!! 

"Scara!" Y/n yelped as they were tugged until they made it to a building, and they were pulled into a room. A boy with maroon hair and moles upon his face stared at the two with wide green eyes, and a male with white hair and a red streak upon his lap. "Heizou," Scaramouche glared at the two. 

"Hey Kuni!" The male with moles greeted but he stopped himself from continuing any further by the look on his face as his eyes motioned to the door. The maroon haired male nodded slightly as he tugged his boyfriend along with him the both waving as they left the dorm. Sighing as the door closed, Scaramouche spoke lowly, "Y/n..."

The way he seemed to say it made their heart momentarily stop, they didn't want to look up from the floor as their cheeks flushed. Were they in trouble?  "Y/n, why have you been ignoring me?" Y/n's eyes didn't leave the ground, even when Scaramouche turned to them. 

"Did... Did I do something to upset you?" With a small gasp they looked up from the ground to see their friend with tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Their hands had waved around dramatically as they frowned before hesitantly reaching for him. 

"Oh... No.... No, archons, no!" They muttered as they pulled him into their embrace their arms wrapped around his body, "No, archons, why would you think that? You've been nothing but good to me," His face nuzzled into the crook of their neck as their hands messed with his hair, petting his hair. "Archons, I'm sorry, I just needed to get my feelings in order...'m sorry Kuni."

Oh, so they weren't mad at him? "Are you sure I did nothing wrong to upset you?" They shook his head and he felt instant relief rush throughout his whole body, "Then why were you avoiding me?" Y/n sighed with flushed cheeks and took his hand in theirs intertwining their fingers with his making his cheeks flush darker. "I was sorting out my feelings, and I came to a realization that I actually like you, like a lot."

Now, that was a big surprise to Scaramouche, his darling that he had been watching for the past year, now likes him? Oh, he couldn't help but be overjoyed with the confession. His darling found him attractive like he liked them? His heart was over the moon, but he still had yet to answer them instead of being frozen up with wide eyes and flushed cheeks.

"H-hey, if you don't return then feelings, it's fine..." They spoke quietly as his arms tightened around them, "N-No! Archons no! Y/n I've liked you since before I officially met you! I admire you so much, and I finally built up the courage to talk to you, archons, I really do like you so, so, so much..."

His muttering in their ear made their cheeks flush as they held onto him bringing his hand to their cheek as they pulled from their embrace. "Gods, you look so pretty right now darling," he whispered staring into their eyes as he leaned towards them brushing his lips against theirs. "You're too beautiful for this damn world, I adore you so damn much Y/n." 

I won't say it now my darling, but I love you, I love you, I love you... It's too early for that, and I'm sorry I just can't wait to tell you first my dear... But he failed to realized Y/n was happy at their shared feelings. 

Confessions and both words spoke happily as they moved to cuddle on the couch, but they failed to notice, was that neither of them in fact said anything about forming a relationship. 

wc: 1050

confessions aw (ew actually im a major hater cause it should me me n u)

ily my lovelies yall are so cute mwah 

pls vote to help my motivation <3

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