Ch. 8.8 [bonus]

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tw: amab smut, drunken sex, high sex, fingering, oral, lots of cum, no condom (wrap it up pls), overstim, use of male anatomy for reader(dick, cock, balls), scara being  seen more as a femboy here, reader still uses they/them pronouns, dacryphilia(?), praise, and softish and meanish(?) dom reader, name calling (baby, good boy, slut) 

it's like rrly explicit im srry lmao

enjoy ;)

Finally back at Y/n shared apartment, Scaramouche and both stumbled inside both trying to be as quiet as possible looking at the stove for the clock, 1:49am. Well the two know even if they remembered having a class in the morning, they were defiantly not going.

The two threw off their shoes next to the door, and staggered over to Y/n's room letting out small giggles. Scaramouche jumped onto Y/n's bed as they pulled off their clothes to put on comfortable clothes while Scaramouche watched with a smile and redden cheeks.

Y/n looked to see his eyes on them and rolled their eyes while grabbing a pair of sweatpants and throwing them at his face. "Scara... Have you ever rolled?" Y/n asked as they got on their knees and reached under their bed. "Yeah back at home, me and Kazu would smoke a bit here and there, you want me to roll of you?" 

Y/n nodded as they reached under their bed and pulled out a jar on top of a rolling tray that had a high looking anime character on it and a matching lighter, and finally some rillos. Scaramouche snorted at the characters, "I think Venti had something like this," he smiled at them as they leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head. 

He nodded with flushed cheeks as they gave him a teasing grin as they left the room. "I love them," he muttered to himself as his hands got to work, his smile not bothering to falter until Y/n stumbled in, "Do you want watermelon, cranberry, strawberry, mango, or cherry? We got juices and I plan on mixing so our tongues won't be so numb from both."

His eyes glanced up as he thought for a moment, "Just whatever, or you can bring them all, you do got your little mini fridge in the corner," Y/n paused for a moment, "When did I get that?" Scaramouche furrowed his eyebrows at them before they turned to him and laughed. "Oh well, I'll be back with everything then," they turned to him, a hand going to his face and cupping it forcing him to look into their eyes.

"Unless you'd like to help me hon?" His heart thumped loudly as he pressed his lips onto their for a split second, "Yeah." No other words and they both left with two blunts rolled for them to share as the staggered to the kitchen and back arms carrying multiple bottles of juice and the one large bottle of alcohol. Before they both went on the bed, Y/n opened the window in their room so the smoke could flow out and not stink up the whole room when they lit the blunts.

Two large plastic cups were also brought in as Y/n handed on to their friend and poured themselves both something with juice was only about a fourth of the cup, the rest filled with alcohol. Y/n took a large swig as they got up from their bed and grabbed the blunts and their cute lighter, before lighting it up and taking a puff as they fell back onto the bed beside their friend.

He took the blunt front their outstretched hand happily doing the same as he held in the puffs, his mouth let the smoke flow out his mouth as he pressed his lips to theirs. "Wait..." They muttered as they pulled back. Scaramouche frowned a bit, his head dizzy and his vision, "I'm not completely fucked up, but still, let's finish the blunt. And also, do you fully consent to anything that happens tonight?"

Scaramouche lazily nodded his head as he took the joint from Y/n's hand before they could get a puff, them yelling out a small 'hey!'. "Now, now, don't go smoking all my shit," they grumbled taking the half finished blunt as they got up to turn on the ceiling fan since it was getting a bit hot. 

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