Ch. 6

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After they arrived to Mika and Y/n's shared dorm room, the seemingly heavy and tense air seemed to disappear as Y/n quickly left to their room slamming the door closed. Leaving the two boys in awkward silence, they shared a quick glance, "How about we start without them for now? When Y/n comes out we can fill them in?" But Scaramouche wasn't having any of it, he shook his head as he walked over to where Y/n disappeared. 

"I'll go check up on Y/n make sure they're okay. We can postpone this until tomorrow so we can work efficiently with our other groupmate," Mika nodded his head with a small smile. "Stay as long as you'd like and help yourself. When Mona comes in, I'll inform you, I wouldn't want a repeat of last time."

Scaramouche nodded his head muttering his gratitude to the boy as he went to knock at Y/n's door. There was no response for a few seconds, so he muttered an apology while pushing open the door. "Hey... Y/n, you okay?" They were laying on their bed facing away from the door. "Y/n?" He questioned worriedly as he moved closer to them closing the door behind himself.

He sat on the edge of their bed as they turned to him with tears in their eyes, sure they looked pretty like always and he wanted to voice it, but why were they crying? "Hey..." He didn't know what to say! How does one comfort a person? Scaramouche felt his thoughts running a mile a minute.

He frowned as his hand reached out and gentle brushed their hair in his hand, "I'm here for you..." He muttered to them as they both were staring at each other in comfortable silence, Y/n's eyes trying to blink away their tears as Scaramouche finally decided to break the silence between the two of them. 

"Did seeing your brother do this to you?" Now, their tears fell from their eyes making the boy panic, "Hey! Hey! Please don't cry, I don't like seeing you like this please Y/n," His hands reached to cup their face and brush their tears away with his thumbs. His eyes held eye contact with theirs as they brought their arm up to pull him down to lay with them.

Their face crashed into his chest as his arms hovered over their body; what does he do? Does he hug them back? His arms awkwardly and slowly wrapped around their body, they were so close, and smelt so good. Their body was shaking in his arms, and he felt his heart clench. "Y/n... Do you want to talk about it?"

Their face buried in his chest as his shirt was getting wet from their tears, yet he didn't mind as long as he could hold them close. "He... He makes me feel like shit," he heard them mumble into his shirt after a few minutes of them trying to stop their waterworks. "Your brother?" They nodded as they pulled him down on the bed next to them cuddling up to his chest.

"I love my brother, really. He's a good person; pretty, smart, on every person list of wanting to be friends with, with that god awful attitude. But I feel so inferior to him, I walk in his shadow no matter what I do. I just for once don't want to feel like that around him, I want to be equal, I want to not feel like I'm being compared to him when I'm next to him." Scaramouche had no idea what to say instead of just holding them close.

His hand had begun to rake through their hair, "It's okay Y/n, you're not like him," he felt them sob in his arms. "Yes, your brother has many achievements over your head, awards and praise, but Y/n you don't need to be like him." His voice was calming as they buried their head back into his chest, "You'll never be like him sure, but with a sibling like that, you're always going to be compared like that, I know."

He knows? Their eyebrows furrow as Scaramouche's hand stopped at the top of their head. "I had to live in my older sister's shadow, The Shogun. My mother loves her more than me, she called me a useless child for crying one time when I was little, but once I grew old enough, I moved out." They're finally getting to know more about this boy they've been friends with for a bit.

"But once I did, my mother began to reach out to apologize, they wanted me back. But I had none of it, I just went on about my life. Y/n what I'm trying to say, is that if you want to get out of that shadow to leave, you need to move away from the people that compare you." His hand cupped their face as he looked into their eyes.

"Y/n, I'll always be here for you no matter what, okay?" They let a small smile crawl to their lips as Scaramouche smiled fondly at them, hearts seemingly in his eyes as he leaned to them. His lips brushed against theirs with heavily redden cheeks as Y/n let out a surprised noise. He just couldn't hold himself back from them anymore. 

His lips moved against theirs as they pushed to him just as much, both of their lips moving together before they parted with flushed cheeks. "You're so cute darling," he murmured to them as they looked away bashfully from his sharp eyes. As he leaned back in for another kiss, both of their cheeks coated with blushes. 

wc: 925

Oh no a bit of angst

n e ways, tell how you liked this chapter 

see you next time 

pls vote to help my motivation <3

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