Ch. 19

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idfk how college/university works lmao

Finals were approaching for everyone on campus, Y/n having a final meal that they had to complete for culinary, Kunikuzushi needing to push out his 'game' for his final seeing as he was in graphic design, Al-Haitham with his thesis for something, and Kaveh needed to build a model for a presentation.

Seems like an average day for broke college students, if only Mika and Mona didn't accidentally set the kitchen on fire that Y/n was going to use. Frustrated noises left Y/n's mouth as they moved all their ingredients in a bag to their boyfriend's dorm. His roommate opened the door for them as they walked in grumbling about Mona and Mika.

"Hi Zou, do you think I can borrow your kitchen? Mika and Mona fucked up ours," Heizou gave sly smile as he leaned against the doorframe. "Are you sure you're not gonna fuck up ours? Plus aren't culinary students supposed to present in front of your instructor?" Y/n sighed heavily, "Our teacher is out of Sumeru for a cooking competition with his daughter in Liyue, so we have to do it over video."

"Mister Mao? Oh, uhm, sure, use our kitchen then," just as Y/n was about to walk in, Heizou closed the door a bit and gave a sly smile. "Only, if you plan to share the finished product of course," Y/n furrowed their eyebrows but nodded pushing past the male as they went into the room and began setting up.

"Any idea where Kuni is?" Y/n asked as Heizou sat on top of the counter plugging up their computer and webcam, "He's presenting his game in his room right now, you want me to tell him you're here?"

Y/n shook their head as they placed all their ingredients on top of the island behind them, while looking at Heizou, "No, we shouldn't bother him too much. Where's Kazu?" Heizou thought for a month as he idly played with a pan Y/n had brought over. "He's busy reciting his flower words to Professor Zhongli."

Y/n snorted as they began to start the video call with their professor, and angling a separate camera that would be focus on them on their hands and ingredients. "Okay Zou, I'll be starting now, uhm, could you leave for a it?"

Heizou nodded as he went to grab a snack before leaving completely mutter a small, good luck to them. Their professor joined the call as he greeted them, "You ready to prepare your meal? As soon as I see the presentation and see how you prepare, you will be given your grade, sadly I won't be able to taste it."

A girl's face came into the camera as Y/n jumped back surprised, "Hi! You must be Y/n! My dad's star student!" Y/n let out a small chuckle and nodded as her dad shook his head pushing her aside lightly, "I'm Xiangling! Bye Y/n!"

Professor Mao shook his head with a smile, "Okay, that's enough out of Tángsēng," he said with a laugh as Y/n nodded with a smile upon their face. "Now, please sate what you will be making Y/n." Y/n nodded as they showed some of their ingredients, "I will be making takoyaki, pork dumplings, and black-back perch stew."

Y/n could see their professor write down something before giving them a nod signaling them for them to start. Y/n nodded as they began to cook, Professor Mao commenting every few minutes, Y/n making small talk with him and his daughter, and suddenly the whole small apartment smelt heavenly.

Once Y/n had finished the food and presented it adding a bit of flare to the dish and some decoration, they were given a high passing grade and some compliments from Mao and Xiangling who clapped at how good the food looked. "You did amazing Y/n! I hope to taste some of your yummy food in the future!"

Y/n nodded with a smile as they ended the call saying their farewells, Y/n picked up one of the takoyaki and nearly moaned in delight at how delicious it was. "Damn! I'm such a good fucking cook!" They shouted as Kunikuzushi poked his head out of his room with wide eyes and a headset upon his head. "Y/n! When did you get here?"

Y/n turned to their boyfriend and walked over to him with a half-eaten ball of takoyaki, "Here, try this!" They said happily as Kunikuzushi leaned and bit the rest of the food off of the toothpick Y/n had it on. "Holy shit... That's good," he murmured as he finished chewing and glanced back inside his room. "Y/n I'll be out in like twenty minutes, uhm, save me some food darling?"

Y/n nodded as they went over to the other door and knocked, "Zou! I finished, come eat!" The boy opened the door with a little dopey grin, "I'll be out in a bit chef, needa finish my call with Kazu before he come back," Y/n pouted childishly, "Just bring your phone out and we can talk with him together!"

Heizou hummed before nodding, "I'll be out in a bit then little one," he grinned as Y/n rolled their eyes. "You're shorter than me," they grumbled as they walked back over to the kitchen and ate the food they made as Heizou join in a few minutes later, Kazuha on facetime with redden cheeks due to the cold and a lazy smile on his face as he waved to the camera. "Hi N/n!"

Y/n eyes lit up as they waved back as Heizou propped his phone up, "Hi Kazu-chan!" They shouted happily as he looked up from his phone and glanced around, "I'm about ten minutes away and that food looks so good!" He mumbled as he slowly began to jog, "I needa hurry before you and Heizou eat it all. Where's Scara?"

Y/n frowned as they reached for one of the dumplings with a pair of chopsticks, "Not sure, he had a headset on, I'm pretty sure he was doing a presentation," they bit and Kazuha let out a small hum, "A pair of plain black ones or ones with little horns on top?" Y/n thought for a second, "I'm not sure, why?"

Kazuha shook his head as he went up a flight of stairs, "I'll be there in two," he muttered before ending the call as Heizou stuffed more takoyaki in his mouth, "Stop eating all the fried octopus!" Y/n shouted as they pulled away the food as the male whined, "Unfair N/n!"

Scaramouche peeked his head out momentarily making them both be quiet, "I got like ten more minutes, can you guys be quiet?" Y/n stuck their tongue out at their boyfriend as he shook his head with a small smile as he retreated to his room. 

wc: 1134

im doing my best to have chapters out every few days im srry i've been working on another story on my tumblr :(

vote or you'll have an angsty ending :) (/j or /srs idk lmao)

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