Ch. 23

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Being awakened to loud banging on their door was not the way Y/n did not want to wake up on a gloomy Saturday morning. With a yawn they got up and stretched a bit, before unlocking their door to see Mona with furrowed eyebrows, "Finally! There are some people at the door wanting to talk with you about something."

Y/n yawned a bit before pulling on some semi-presentable clothes, before pressing a light kiss to their sleeping boyfriend's head. Walking out of their room and going to the bathroom to brush their teeth and wake up a bit more, they nearly tripped over air due to their eyes still unfocused.

Slapping their cheeks to force their self to wake up, Y/n quickly brushed their teeth and brushed their hair a bit before rushing out the bathroom to see a few people sitting in their living room, Mika and Mona awkwardly trying to make small talk.

A blonde male, a pink haired woman, and the one woman from the restaurant made Y/n nearly run back to their room if not for their brother and his boyfriend being present. "Ah, finally, you're hear," The woman with dark hair in a bob said without turning around made Y/n freeze up.

"Come join us now Y/n, there is much to discuss," Y/n rounded the couch and sat next to their brother as Yelan smiled a bit. "This is my gteam, and we'll be helping you two through this whole ordeal seeing as your brother already paid in full," Y/n snapped their head over to their brother who dared not to look at them

"This is Albedo Kreideprinz, captain of an investigation department at a neighboring company," The blond male offered a small smile with a nod. "And this is Yanfei, she's the lawyer helping you. Haven't lost a case yet, very reliable," Yanfei smiled with a small wave.

"After hearing your story, I gathered these two to help. Albedo will be running some investigations going through with some interrogations and collect any evidence to further help with trying to win the case. Yanfei will then gather the evidence to further help with winning the case. While I go and try to talk with your father about things, hear more of his and your mother side of the story."

Y/n frowned a bit, "While I am thankful for the help, why is there so much effort being put in for this case?" Yelan offered a smile, "You were forced to grow up being neglected by your parents and treated wrongly. You were neglected, verbally abused, mentally abused, and emotionally abused. Were you ever harmed in any way?"

Frowning trying to think back Y/n hummed a bit, "Not that I remember," Alhaitham sighed beside them. "They were usually locked in a closet when they would get in trouble when they were about five years old." Y/n furrowed the eyebrows, "The hell? I don't remember any of that?"

"Only because you fell out of a tree because M/n wasn't looking after you. Dad came home from work that day and had to take you to the hospital himself, you had a concussion and had trouble remembering things after that," Y/n frowned, "I don't remember any of that at all, what the hell? How do you know about this?"

Alhaitham sighed, "I am your brother Y/n. I only have one sibling; I knew to watch you when M/n didn't because she just didn't like you. She would watch over you when she slept with a bottle in her hand sometimes and mumble how she should've only had me."

Y/n crossed their arms, "Well I didn't want a mother like that either," Yelan let a huff of amusement leave her nose. "Well, that more stuff against your mother. Anything else you could add Alhaitham?' Yanfei was scribbling down stuff on a little notepad on her lap, "And you said... That she would lock Y/n in a closet?"

Alhaitham nodded, "Why would she do that to them?" Crossing his arms over his chest, the grey-haired male could feel his boyfriend wrap his arm around his waist trying offer any bit of comfort he could. "For stupid things really; spilled juice, a broken glass, or even just making a small mess because they tripped. Stupid reasons."

Albedo hummed, "Do you have any evidence of Y/n ever being in the hospital due to them falling from the tree? That would help with locking M/n for a longer duration. Would F/n have those records?"

Alhaitham nodded, "If you want I could hand over his number so you can speak with him yourself." Albedo nodded as he looked down to his watch, "Alright I have to head out. I need to go pick up my little sister. Yanfei please forward me the details later tonight," the pink haired woman nodded just as Albedo got up to leave.

"Enjoy your night and say hi to the little one for me Bedo," Yelan called out as the blond left leaving the rest on the couch. Well, Mika and Mona long went to their room not wanting to barge into family affairs, but Y/n knew Mona was a bit nosey; probably had her ear pressed againt her door listening in.

Y/n snorted a bit at their thought, "Seeing about how much information we gathered here tonight, we'll be looking over some stuff. When will be the next available time to meet you two again?' Yanfei looked up from her notepad, "Uhm, I'm free on Tuesday and Thursday this week," Y/n looked over to their brother. "I am free on Thursday."

"Great, we'll see you then Thursday around 2pm? Does that work out?" Y/n nodded, "I have objections to that," Alhaitham huffed a bit feeling Kaveh squeeze his waist. "And we'll like to meet at a café instead of here in my little sibling's dorm room next time, if that's fine?"

Yelan nodded with a smile, "Yeah, I agree, seeing this place makes me jealous. My dorm room was just a quarter of this. You kids have it good now a days," Y/n laughed a bit. "I was surprised by the sheer space of this place I thought that we'd had to pay an extra few thousand to live on campus. I got scared." 

wc- 1046

yeah so im not srry about my absence but i have been slowly writing everyday, half a chapter each time, so i could update

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