Ch. 12

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Scaramouche woke up to an empty bed, no Y/n in sight, the side of the bed where they laid, they blankets were on the floor. He got up and pulled on a shirt, and walked out the room, the was the blonde roommate and the woman, Mona. "Morning... Where's Y/n?"

Mika turned to the boy with a mug of coffee and a worried look," I thought they were still asleep... They were with you when you woke up?" Scaramouche shook his head, "They don't have class today either, so where could they have gone?" Mona silently added sugar to her coffee," You guys didn't hear all that screaming last night? Woke me up but I fell back asleep..." She took a sip of her coffee.

Scaramouche's eyebrows furrowed at the girl's statement, he did hear some loud talking yesterday, woke him up for a moment before he fell back asleep. "Maybe they woke up early and went outside?" Mika said as he went over to the semi-opened balcony, "Or they went here...?" He opened the door and gasped before falling to the ground, gaining the other's attention.

Scaramouche rushed over and opened the door all the way, his eyes widen as he felt his heart stopped momentarily, "Y-Y/n....?" They sat at the ledge of the balcony their hands flimsily holding onto the railing, dried blood upon their neck, the rough jagged scratches on their neck. D-Did... did they do that to themself?

"Y/n... Darling... What are you doing?" Y/n's eyes slowly trailed over to Scaramouche's, and he felt his heart break; their eyes were void of any light, heavy with eyebags, and their cheeks were full of tear stains. "My mother..." They croaked out as one of their hands flew up to their neck, it hurt to talk, the screaming, the sobbing, the harm. "She... disowned me..."

Scaramouche took a few steps forward slowly, and held his arms out to them, "Darling... I know... But please... You need to get off the ledge or you'll fall," he muttered lowly, and Mika and Mona's peering eyes watched from behind the glass worried for their roommate. "Mika! Go call Al-Haitham!"

Mona shouted only for Y/n's hand that wasn't gripping the rial reach out slowly, "N-No!, Not him! P-Please!" Their voice croaked but the blond was already outside the apartment, most likely running down the stairs to the first floor. Scaramouche reached his hand out for his Y/n. "Please Y/n! Just take my hand so you won't fall!"

Tears were welling up in his eyes, he looked terrified. There were no tears left for Y/n to cry, they did that all night not getting any sleep, the conversation with their mother still playing in their head like a mantra. Useless, unloved, worthless. 

"Kuni..." They croaked rubbing their free hand on the scratches on their neck, "I'm... so tired... I don't think," the boy shook his head as he took a few more steps closer, Y/n looked down at the ground below them, students walking unknowing of what was happening right in that moment.

They were on the far-left side of the railing, and motioned for Scaramouche to look over the railing on the complete opposite side. "Everyone... Is so blissfully unaware of what is happening up here... I sort of envy them for their ignorance," they croaked and heard the door behind them slam open. "Y/n!"

They felt a breath leave their throat as they slowly looked back to see their brother, hair messy, breathing heavily, and clothes disheveled. "Haitham..." Their hands both flew to their mouth as tears welled up in their eyes, and they felt themself from the railing.

Everything seemed to momentarily slow.

Al-Haitham's eyes widening, Scaramouche rushing towards the side that they were on, and Mona and Mika sharing a scream as the crowd below them gasped collectively.


Is this finally the end? 

Am I finally going to be free?

Is it going to hurt? 

wc: 657

n e ways some angst cause it's never enough lmao, srry this is a lot shorter, but i promise all future chapters will be longer.

as always pls vote to help my motivation, because seeing such things make my heart soar (definitely not making me giggle and kick my feet i swear) <3

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