Ch. 11

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A phone rung as Y/n just glared down at the device in their hand, a message displayed on their screen. Answer I won't stop calling until you do so. They sighed heavily as they pressed the small green button on their screen. "Hel-" They didn't even get a moment to speak. "You ungrateful child! How dare you try to ignore your mom when she calls you!?"

Y/n felt a headache forming as they rested held the phone limply next to their ear, "Why are you calling me at," they paused for a moment to check the time displayed on their phone screen. "At five thirty in the morning?" They heard their mother scoff on the other line, "Stop asking useless questions! You need to come home immediately and give me some money! You father spent all of our rent money on useless scratch tickets and now we can't pay to live here!"

Y/n rubbed at their face tired, and looked at the person in their bed who was sound asleep his messy dark hair nearly completely covering his face, "And why should I do so now? You've never been there for me Ma," they sighed as they heard the woman scream. "You're so ungrateful! I put a roof over your head! I gave you food, I gave you the clothes on your back! I gave birth to you in this world!"

Y/n just clenched the phone in their hand tightly, "That's just barely the bare minimum when you have a child, it's just law and common sense to take care of them. And if you didn't want to do that, then why didn't you just abort me? Huh?" The line went silent as the heard the woman scoff as they got up from bed and left the room.

"I really should've stopped after Al-Haitham. You just want your mother on the streets, you will never amount to anything, and you'll end up just like your father; downing in debt, lying, cheating, and being useless. I don't want you to return to our family gatherings ever again, and I don't want you to come back home after college or during breaks. I'm disowning you."

Y/n felt their heart stop in their chest as they let out a dry laugh as they sat down on the couch, "Since when was I ever considered family? Since when was I my own person? Did you ever take the time to get to know me? Do you even know my favorite color?" The line was silent for a few moments, "Stop disrespecting me child."

Y/n ran a ran through their hair and laughed dryly as tears fell from their eyes, "You can't think of anything else to say! Cause you don't even know the answer to such simple questions! Al-Haitham this, Al-Haitham that! When is it my time!? When is it my turn to be cared for and loved! Never! My own family fucking hates me, and now you want to disown me?! What kind of joke is this?!"

They looked at the phone momentarily, the call was still going surprisingly, "When was I ever allowed to go to my classmates' birthday parties or when I allowed to even go outside!? When was I even allowed to have friends!? No, everything was Al-Haitham no matter what! I wanted you to come to my little class competitions, but no! Al-Haitham's spelling bee is more important!"

Their heart clenched tightly, "Y/n, you need to calm the fuck-," Their eyes widen in fury as they rushed outside to the balcony to avoid yelling in the apartment, "No! Shut up, just shut up!" They screamed out, their words filled with anguish their voice unable to talk stably, their voice croaking in pain, as they clutched the railing tightly. 

"You were never there! I had done everything on my own! Learn on my own and grow on my own! You treated me like shit, and I never want anything to do with you, dad, or even Al-Haitham! I'm done! I just wish you never even gave birth to me!" The line was still going, until their birth giver finally spoke up, "Y/n stop fucking yelling!"

"No!" In a fury they threw their phone off the balcony and sunk down to the floor, burying their face into their knees sobbing heavily. Their throat was dry and in pain as they sobbed and reached to claw at their neck. Blood fell from their harsh scratches as they finally passed out from their episode, tears cascading down from their cheeks.  

What if I just end this?

What if I just jump...? 

wc: 767

L + ratio + skill issue + bozo + loner + no friends + no one asked + cringe

I just wanted some angst to make myself cry, but this isn't and it's just clenching my heart but not enough for tears, but i do enjoy writing it :)

sorry this one is shorter :(

pls vote to help my motivation <3

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