Year 7: The Dark Lord's Meeting

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Sometime Later...
I was fixing my hair in the mirror when I saw the Dark Mark began to slither.

I look at it

I trace my fingers along the snake's body and it started to tingle.
I stop abruptly and just stared at it.

Did I cause that?
The tingling turned into a burning feeling and the Mark began to move.

The Dark Lord was summoning us and we had to go.
Right now.

"Y/N!" I heard my mother call from downstairs.
I run downstairs and into the arms of my mother and father.
We apparate to Draco's Mansion.
This is where the Dark Lord comes to receive information about Harry Potter.
Which is all he wants to know about.

We walk in and the Dark Lord is at the head of the table. Nagini is beside him. Hissing and slithering.

I saw Draco's family began to take their seats as we walked towards them.

My mother gestured me to sit next to Draco.
And I did so.
This wasn't a place where we could socialize like we normally would.
It was a place where we stayed quiet unless spoken too.

Draco's head was bowed as he was only looking at his lap.
I couldn't help but observe him from my peripheral vision.

I put my hand on top of his.
His hand was cold but soft. He lifted his head slightly as if he regained some of his strength back into his body.
He needed it because this was just the beginning of a long journey.

——————a couple minutes later...—————
"Will Severus be joining us?" his raspy low voice asked to his followers.
"He should, my lord." Bellatrix chimed in right away.
The Dark Lord took a deep breath.
Wormtail walked in on the right of us. Behind him a floating lady on her back who seemed to have bled.

"Severus." The Dark Lord exclaimed quietly.
Snape stood at the door in his black robes.
"I was beginning to worry you have lost your way. Come. We've saved you a seat." He gestured to the empty chair.

Severus sat down as we all stared at him.
"You bring news, I trust?"
"It will happen Saturday next at nightfall." Severus answered almost instantly.

"I've heard differently, my lord." Yaxley intervened.
"Dawlish, the Auror, has let slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this month. The day before he turns 17-"
"This is a false trail." Snape interrupts.

I shouldn't be zoning out while this is going on but
Where the hell is Potter right now? He has thousands of people looking for him yet no one could find a trace? The Order is definitely doing something.

Bellatrix clears her throat which knocks me out my trance.
"My lord. I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. I want to kill the boy."
A distant screaming interrupts her desperation.

"Wormtail! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet?"
We all turn to Wormtail who stutters as he says "Yes, my lord. Right away, my lord."

"As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill Harry Potter." The Dark Lord says. He gets up.
"But I face an unfortunate complication that my wand and Potter's share the same core. They are in some ways twins. We can wound but not fatally harm one another." He puts his wand down and begins coming our way.
"If I am to kill him, I must do it with another wand." He passes by us touching the back of our chairs.
I gently close my eyes in fear hoping that he wouldn't choose me.
I felt Draco's hand move from under to the top of my hand.
I felt a sense of relief but I still couldn't bare to open them.

Next thing I heard was a clatter on the table.
I opened my eyes and saw the floating lady begin to move towards the table.

"For those of who do not know we are joined here tonight by Miss Charity Burbage, who until recently taught at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Her specialty was muggle studies. It is Miss Burbages belief that muggles are not so different from us. She would, given her way, have us mate with them."
Everyone groaned and some laughter filled the room.
"To her, the mixture of magical, and Muggle blood is not an abomination but something to be encouraged." The Dark Lord sits down.

Charity began to plead to Snape for help.
Before anyone could do anything, the Dark Lord chanted *Avada Kedavra*
Her lifeless body slammed on the table.

I felt my lip start to quiver and my breath begin hard to control.

She slithered onto the table.

I promise the next one will have more Draco and Y/N scenes by themselves <3

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