[.hot chocolate.]

709 9 50

edited: july 29, 2023

updated: december 12, 2023

  human au  

Sophie's POV

It was a bright and snowy winter afternoon and Sophie Foster was just awakening from her beauty sleep. Everyone she met swore that she could sleep though a whole two days if her adoptive parents Grady and Edaline would let her.

Her golden retriever Iggy hopped up into her lap, his tongue sticking out as he rolled onto his back, awaiting his daily belly rub.

"Not today," Sophie told her dog, of which he whined to. "I'm sorry, but I'm busy. Maybe tomorrow?"

Iggy whined and jumped off of the bed and out of her room, to which Sophie sighed at. He really had some nerve, that dog. Groaning, she got out of bed and got dressed, throwing her Starbucks uniform on and putting her hair up into a wavy ponytail.

"Perfect," she said to herself as she slipped on her white converse and grabbed her black designer bag.

She raced out of her room and down the stairs to her kitchen where she stuffed a piece of bread into her mouth.

"Have a good day!" yelled Edaline.

"You too!" came Sophie's muffled reply, although it sounded more like "you phoo."

She opened the front door and ran to the driveway, where her black Bugatti was parked. She hopped in, turned on the engine, and began to drive to work.


By the time Sophie got to work from all of the busy traffic, she was fifteen minutes late for her shift. Her manager, Stina Heks, was not going to like that.

She pushed open the door and a little bell rang. At the counter was a new trainee, though she probably wouldn't last long. Although Sophie had done all she could, Stina usually was enough to scare all of the newcomers away.

After taking her place behind the counter, she began taking orders from customers. It was a busy day, since everyone wanted something nice and warm to drink on a cold and dreary winter day.

Finally, the line cleared and Sophie checked her watch. It was two minutes to her break. As long as no customers walked in, she would be able to catch an extra two minutes for reading her favorite series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

Unfortunately, Sophie just didn't have that kind of luck as a teenage boy about her age walked in. He had blonde hair that was artfully mussed, ice blue eyes, tanned skin, a jock-like build, and a seemingly permanent smirk on his face.

"Hello, welcome or welcome back to Starbucks," Sophie said, repeating the same thing that she says to every other customer. "What would you like?"

"A pretty girl," the boy replied and winked at her.

Sophie blushed. "Sorry, we're all out," she teased, deciding to go along with it.

She needed a little fun once in a while.

The boy raised an eyebrow and his smirk turned into a grin. "It seems that you have one left in stock."

She blushed again. But she didn't dare get her hopes up. She had enough experience with guys like this and she knew that there was no way that he could possibly like a nerd and someone so utterly un-pretty like her.

"Alright, enough fooling around," she said. "What would you actually like?"

"One hot chocolate with whipped cream and a cherry on top, please," the boy said politely.

 He went to sit in one of the small booths. As Sophie made his order, she couldn't help but feel watched.

She ignored the feeling. It was probably just the wind or something.

"Here you go!" Sophie said, fake cheer in her voice as she set the hot chocolate on the table between the two booths. "That'll be $6.39 please."

The boy gave her a ten and she went to go cash it into the cash register. However, when she flipped it over, she saw words and numbers scrawled across it with black sharpie.

"You're cute. Meet up at the beach tomorrow at 7?

Call me. (860) 957 3286.


Sophie smiled and rolled her eyes as she turned to tall the boy that yes, she'll be there. However, the door had just closed and he was long gone. She tucked the ten dollar bill into her uniform pocket, where she would take it out later.

Maybe there was more to him than what meets the eye.

word count: 734 words. i will be (as of 2023) be going back into all of my past stories and editing. if you've seen this story after [december 11-31, 2023], you've seen the updated version.

happy reading,


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