{.𝓟𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼.} pt. 1

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Sophie POV

Tam and Keefe, *my boyfriend, EEK!*, laughed, practically rolling on the floor. My cheeks burned bright red.

"It wasn't that funny!" I pouted. "He was disgusting!"

"I still can't get past the part that you dated him WHILE you were dating me!" Keefe said. "I—"

"Did you not pay attention! She literally HAD TOO, and it's not like she wanted to. And besides, no one wants to hear your voice, Blondie," interrupted Tam. "Tell us the story again Soph, top to bottom."

I sigh and begin to recount the events *yet again* that had occurred just two weeks ago....

I had just gotten out of work, (mentoring kids at Foxfire), and it had been a REALLY stressful day so I obviously thought, Let's decompress at my favorite spot!

So I head over to my favorite spot, which is at this lake that Keefe had shown me for our first date. *keefe smiled so adorably when I said this*

I had brought a human book, called Harry Potter, since I liked to read while I relax. Normal, right? So I walked over to a bench by the side of the lake and put my stuff down.

I started to read when I heard laughing. Now, when you're a mentor at Foxfire, you don't really think much of it unless it's disturbing the class, you know? And it wasn't even really disturbing me, so I just ignored it and continued to read. Fine, right?


The laughing stopped, so I assumed that the people had walked away or something, not that I had thought too much of it *at the time*. Then I hear giggling above me. Right when I looked up, I see a bucket of alicorn poop being dumped on me from a rope attatched to an overhang branch right on top of me!

I screamed and jumped out of the bench, forgetting my book. But I was too late. In mere seconds, my *relaxing* afternoon had turned into a bunch of idiotic kids pranking me!

I growled and looked up to see two boys, *or rather one was a man, since he looked about my age, but then again elves stop aging around 20 years old so I couldn't be sure*, and yelled, "What is your problem?"

The *man* laughed. "Your in our favorite spot!"

The boy nodded. "Yeah, what he said!"

I raised my eyebrow at them. "Do you even know who I am?"

They both rolled their eyes in sync. I was starting to think that they were brothers.

"No of course not," answered the boy. "Why would we?"

Normally, I would be ecstatic that someone actually didn't know me for once. But under the circumstances, all I was thinking about was REVENGE.

"I'm Sophie Foster," I said casually, studying my nails. "The moonlark, leader of Team Valient, Defeater of the Neverseen, now a Mentor at Foxfire. Would you like me to go on?"

The boy shook his head, suddenly terrified. But the man? He laughed. LAUGHED. AT ME!

At this point, I'd finally had it. So I turned to the man, and said, "I hope this is enough proof for you that I'm Sophie Foster."

So I inflicted on him. Big whoop. But the boy started crying and crying and OH MY GOD HE WOULDN'T STOP!

Finally I snapped, "Would you like me to inflict on you too?"

And just like that, the boy shut up.


Sorry for the father *cringy* oneshot, and it wasn't even really Sokeefe. I apologize, but this happened to my little sister so I wanted to give her justice. Happy reading,


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